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Popup Help messages for every Pithus item (they better also have links to even more details)
Most of the items shown on the website are quite technical and not at all easy to understand for the average user (like myself). I mean at least 90% to 95% of the whole content of your website is vague or worse, not at all understandable (at least to me). I am not just throwing a number; I carefully read the whole report of various aspects of the analyses shown by Pithus for a couple of APK files, and thought I have no clue what the website is actually talking about.
So if possible, please create popup (as well as hyperlinked) help messages for almost every item shown on the website, so that a confused user can understand what is going on.
For example, every text item can have a small circle with an "i" in the beginning of it, hovering which will explain that item.
The items that look like buttons (for example, they are encircled within square frames) can themselves trigger popup messages upon hovering.
Or they can be clicked, so that a new browser tab opens, showing details about that particular button.
There can also be some links within the popup help messages for those who want to read much more details about that particular item shown on the website.
Pithus is being recommended on many forums and circles to average or below-the-average (technically illiterate) users. I think you can (or perhaps should) put a disclaimer on your website about the fact that Pithus is only for professionals and is not supposed to be understandable by the general public, in the first place. That may save many users a lot of headache and confusion.
Besides that, putting popup (or link) help messages wouldn't hurt anybody. It wouldn't reduce the efficiency of your website, or wouldn't change its purpose. It is just a free extra (but very awesome) feature at no cost. I know it will drain your time to implement it, but I think it is worth investing in. This is because such popup help boxes will (1) make your website become understandable to a MUCH broader audience, and therefore, (2) it would help even those few technical superusers fight and investigate APK malware much more effectively because a larger pool of users means much more APK samples submitted to your website.
If you remove a large part of your audience (the general public), you will automatically lose a lot of potential malware that could have been otherwise submitted to Pithus and its professional superusers.