Oleh Yaremko

Results 5 comments of Oleh Yaremko

@JohnEstropia ```public static func savePoint(captured: Date, lat: Double, lng: Double, rideId: Int32, sended: Bool){ CoreDataService.getDataStack({ (dataStack: DataStack?) -> Void in if let _ = dataStack{ try? CoreStore.perform(synchronous: { (transaction) in...

Hi @nilebma. Can you make new release of your cordova-plugin-photo-library with [email protected]?

Same, maybe should update to newest 2.0.2? And finally migrate to swift 4+? Please *_*

@ferdikoomen based on documentation https://swagger.io/docs/specification/components/#:~:text=%23%20Reusable%20response%20headers,headers%3A we put all our reusable headers to `'components' -> 'headers'` section as we do for `'components' -> 'schemas'` for reusable schemas, `'components' -> 'securitySchemes'` for...

поддерживаю @anklimov в GitHub есть - Issues - Pull requests - Actions - Projects - Wiki - Security - Insights - Releases - Tags - Readme при нынешней структуре получается...