Pietro Granati

Results 29 comments of Pietro Granati

Using version 2.0.6 works!

Found something: https://medium.com/@hacknicity/view-controller-presentation-changes-in-ios-13-ac8c901ebc4e

And I found the solution here, I'm trying to implementate

Barcode.capture({ animate : false, useFrontCamera : true, overlay : overlay, showCancel : false, showRectangle : true, keepOpen : false, acceptedFormats : [Barcode.FORMAT_QR_CODE] }); Start with backcamera

While on the 1.10.2 is starting with frontcamera

Fixed by put useFrontCamera = false before every call and setting timeut. What's happening with iOS 10 & new xcode? Barcode.useFrontCamera = false; Barcode.capture({ animate: true, //useFrontCamera : true, overlay:...

Thanks for the help! but Why if the tag is empty it keeps firing the alert to choose the app for scan?

Hi everyone, I've noticed the same problem, form me android seems to see the region but not the beacons. In fact an android 5 fires the event "proximity" but android...

Sure, can you link your profile?