Pieter Huybrechts
Pieter Huybrechts
Something something `methods::setGeneric()` ?
I'd like to work on this, here are my thoughts: ## Q/A > Decide on controlled values for format. Either csv/hdf5 (widely applicable) or monthly, daily, hdf5 I prefer csv/hdf5,...
If a radar is missing, stop.
- A json file exists with a list of radars: https://github.com/enram/aloftdata.eu/blob/main/_data/OPERA_RADARS_DB.json: ```R jsonlite::fromJSON("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/enram/aloftdata.eu/main/_data/OPERA_RADARS_DB.json")$odimcode ``` - Allow downloading multiple radars - `download_vpfiles()` as an example - Error if radar doesn't exist...
We have decided to build a function `list_vpts_aloft()` that returns a vector of urls that are known to exist, given the filtering parameters originally envisioned for `download_vpts_alof()` ```r list_vpts_aloft( date_min...
What is the current status?
Thanks for the information, I hope it becomes clear soon.
Thanks for all the work you put in, it's highly appreciated. How are you doing on unit tests for the migration?
Great, thanks for following up.
Let me know if you need any help.