timesheet-nodejs-mongo copied to clipboard
INIT (populateDB)
- Creates collections:
- timesheet
- project
- user
- categories
- activities
- timesheet
node server.js dev
minified js & compiled less
node server.js
- Categories
GET /categories
=> Get all categories with all their projects -
POST /categories
=> Create a new category with no projects -
GET /categories/:id
=> Get a single category with all its projects -
DELETE /categories/:id
=> Delete a category with all its projects -
PUT /categories/:id
=> Replace a category with the data passed in the body -
PATCH /categories/:id
=> Update a category with the data passed in the body
- Projects
GET /projects
=> Get all projects of a category -
POST /projects?category_id=
=> Create a new project assigned to a specified category -
GET /projects/:id
=> Get a single project of a category -
DELETE /projects/:id
=> Remove a project from a category -
PUT /projects/:id
=> Replace a project with the data passed in the body -
PATCH /projects/:id
=> Update a project with the data passed in the body
- Activities
GET /activities?[user=][&year=][&month=]
=> Get all activities by user, year and/or month -
POST /activities
=> Create a new activity with the data passed in the body -
DELETE /activities/:id
=> Delete an activity -
GET /activities-:year-:month.csv
=> Export all activities of the specified month formatted in CSV
Pour info :
- Tutorial: http://coenraets.org/blog/2012/10/creating-a-rest-api-using-node-js-express-and-mongodb/
- Zepto: http://zeptojs.com/
- Require: http://requirejs.org/
- Angular: http://angularjs.org/
- Underscore: http://underscorejs.org/
- Less: http://lesscss.org/
- Fundation 3: http://foundation.zurb.com/
- Batch (icon): http://adamwhitcroft.com/batch/
- Login system: https://github.com/braitsch/node-login