RxAndroidAudio copied to clipboard
Maybe the most robust Android Audio encapsulation library, with partial Rx support.
how can i get the audio session id of audio recorder instance?
Can i record in ogg i tried and it says error code 2 mAudioFile = new File( prdir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + System.nanoTime() + ".webm"); return mAudioRecorder.prepareRecord(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC, MediaRecorder.OutputFormat.WEBM, MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.VORBIS, 192000, 192000,...
How do I get the player progress to display it in a seekbar? The MediaPlayer is always null for me.
I notice you don't include support for playing from `FileDescriptor`s. Was this deliberate, or just an oversight? See: * https://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/MediaPlayer.html#setDataSource(java.io.FileDescriptor) * https://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/MediaPlayer.html#setDataSource(java.io.FileDescriptor, long, long)
Hi, is the Library able to record sound from an Bluetooth Audio Source? Related: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/AudioManager.html#startBluetoothSco Best Regards
I am trying to record stream,it working perfect in android 6 and 7 but not work in android 5.It goes into Error block of recording. @Override public void onError() {...
public MediaPlayer getMediaPlayer() { return mPlayer; }
It gives Buffer overflow and AudioRecord reported overrun message when recording to file using RxAndroidAudio library.