AndroidTDDBootStrap icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
AndroidTDDBootStrap copied to clipboard

A bootstrap project for TDD Android.

Results 5 AndroidTDDBootStrap issues
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I used `./` to install a debug app on my mobile and failed to start trending activity. Related log: ``` 04-11 23:03:45.627 12155-12155/com.github.piasy.octostars E/Router: com.chenenyu.router.RouterBuildConfig 04-11 23:03:45.928 12155-12155/com.github.piasy.octostars E/Router: Could...

``` →$./buckw build app:bin_devDebug /Users/tommy/src/android/AndroidTDDBootStrap/base/src/main/java/com/github/piasy/bootstrap/base/model/provider/ error: package AutoValue_BriteDbConfig does not exist return new AutoValue_BriteDbConfig.Builder(); ^ /Users/tommy/src/android/AndroidTDDBootStrap/base/src/main/java/com/github/piasy/bootstrap/base/model/provider/ error: package AutoValue_EventBusConfig does not exist return new AutoValue_EventBusConfig.Builder(); ^ /Users/tommy/src/android/AndroidTDDBootStrap/base/src/main/java/com/github/piasy/bootstrap/base/model/provider/ error: package AutoValue_GsonConfig...

Do you mean something like this


Hi!! Great job! I had begin to test your bootstrap, but now, I want to rename your bootstrap to my target application name and namespace. Have you a tool like...