M3U8Kit copied to clipboard
M3U8Kit is a light-weight m3u8 parser framework, code in Objective-C.
M3U8Kit is a light-weight m3u8 parser framework, code in Objective-C.
M3U8Kit 是使用Objective-C编写的一套轻量级m3u8解析框架.
Usage 使用方法
Get m3u8 plan string 获取m3u8明文
NSString *planString = [m3u8LocationURL m3u8PlanString];
Parse m3u8 from plan string or data 从明文或者data中解析m3u8
// via NSString
M3U8SegmentInfoList *m3u8 = [M3U8Parser m3u8SegmentInfoListFromPlanString:m3u8PlanString];
// via NSData
M3U8SegmentInfoList *m3u8 = [M3U8Parser m3u8SegmentInfoListFromData:m3u8Data];
Supported Tags 支持的Tags
Reference link 参考链接
HTTP Live Streaming
Donate 捐赠
You can donate me 您可以支持我 via:
- Alipay | 支付宝
- Bitcoin: 1DK98CTQ3hXb2j3VD7Tbz4v16ytZJhtPWv
License 许可协议
This code is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
代码使用 GNU General Public License 许可发布.