> install torch for gpu I installed, but I cannot see the GPU running. Did you check it?
Same with me. Windows 11. Tks for reply. I will check later!
> May I know which version of PyTorch you are using? I am using pytorch 2.0.1
1. For training: export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 --use_env train.py --data data_configs/smoke.yaml --epochs 100 --model fasterrcnn_resnet50_fpn --name smoke_training --batch 16 2. For inference: python inference.py --input data/inference_data/image_1.jpg --weights outputs/training/smoke_training/last_model_state.pth
But when I trained with only 1 GPU (not distributed train). I can use the command for inference above. Could you check the inference command for distributed train?
Many tks. I will wait your reply!
> Hello! It looks like you're diving deep into the workings of YOLOv8 segmentation models, which is great! Let's clarify the input and output shapes you're encountering. > > ###...