ESP8266MQTTMesh copied to clipboard
Connect to wifi problem on ESP32
I have a similar problem like some other users mentioned. Using the library on an ESP32 the programm stops at: [connect] Connecting to SSID:
I havent found any solutions to this problem in previous issues. Has anyone used the lib on an ESP32?
Hi, have you tried out my fork of the Project?
Yes, but it didnt work either. Can you explain, what you have done differently?
In ESP822MQTTMesh.h three lines have to be uncommented and one has to be adapted:
#ifdef ESP32 #include <AsyncTCP.h> //#include <ESP32Ticker.h> #include <Ticker.h> #define USE_WIFI_ONEVENT #include "WiFiCompat.h" #else #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <ESPAsyncTCP.h> #include <Ticker.h> #endif
In ESP8266.cpp the following changes have to be made:
//os_sprintf(id, "ChipID:%06X FirmwareID:%04X v%s IP:%s %s", _chipID, firmware_id, firmware_ver, WiFi.localIP().toString().c_str(), meshConnect ? "mesh" : "");
sprintf(id, "ChipID:%06X FirmwareID:%04X v%s IP:%s %s", _chipID, firmware_id, firmware_ver, WiFi.localIP().toString().c_str(), meshConnect ? "mesh" : "");
I remember that another error message occurred but I can not find the spot in the source code. I just commented the lines out and it is working fine.