Swen Kooij

Results 20 issues of Swen Kooij

- Allow adding new joins rather than just mutating existing joins - Support `__gt` etc. - Ensure that it can be used with many-to-many relationships.




I am not sure how this is going to work, but it should be possible to aggregate multiple columns into a hstore field: ``` results = MyModel.objects.annotate(thing=HStoreAgg(text=F('otherthing__text'), id=F('otherthing__id')) for row...


It would be nice to add a symbol to the theme objects so they can easily be identified. A good reason for this is to be able to easily write...

Implicit `noexcept` is deprecated, as per the migration guide for Cython 3.x: https://cython.readthedocs.io/en/latest/src/userguide/migrating_to_cy30.html#exception-values-and-noexcept

This implements the solution I described in #10 and removes the need for copying specific directories. See the additions I made to the `readme` for more details. Although sourcing of...

PR #6 introduced a change to move certain directories up to the root and remove the original because certain buildpacks expect this. However, this caused unintended side effects for the...

https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan-operator/blob/aec1a7e179bceed9f9df74336df4c3b856595515/pkg/controller/infinispan/infinispan_controller.go#L809 `upgradeRequired` required only looks at `DEFAULT_IMAGE` which is derived from the operator configuration. `spec.image` is completely ignored.