ResourcepacksPlugins icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ResourcepacksPlugins copied to clipboard

Unloading a pack does not work

Open jandie1505 opened this issue 1 year ago • 12 comments

Used Version

BungeeResourcepacks latest (on August 2, 2023)


debug: true
# Default language
default-language: en
# Disable all metrics included in this plugin.
disable-metrics: false
# Whether or not resourcepack file hashes should be generated on startup:
autogeneratehashes: false
# Whether to append the pack hash to the end of the URL of the pack like url#hash.
# This is necessary to work around a Vanilla bug which prevents changed packs from being downloaded
# properly again:
append-hash-to-url: true
# Whether /usepack should apply packs temporary or permanent when run without any argument:
usepack-is-temporary: true
# Whether packs that a player has stored will override a matched assignments
stored-packs-override-assignments: false
# When manually setting a permanent pack then it will be reset if the user disconnects in under x amount of seconds.
# 0 or anything below will disable this functionality
permanent-pack-remove-time: 30
# Whether to only send packs if authenticated on the Minecraft server
# Requires WorldResourcepacks to be installed on the Minecraft server too
use-auth-plugin: false
# Different packs can be defined in this section
   url: '<url>'
   hash: '<hash>'
   format: 13
   restricted: false
 # # The url the client should download the resourcepack from.
 # # Has to be a direct download link! No mediafire/mega/other oneclick-hoster!
 #  url:
 # # The sha1 hash of the resourcepack's zip file,
 # # if not correct the client will waste bandwidth but it will still work!
 # # At least that's what the Minecraft wiki says... (Site:
 #  hash: abcdef012345678abcdef012345678abcdef0123
 # # The format version of this resourcepack
 #  format: 1
 # # Directly define the Minecraft version instead of the format
 # # Supports string representation of the versions and protocol numbers
 # # You don't need to define both the version and the format (if so then the highest one will take effect)
 #  version: "1.8"
 # # Whether or not this pack will only be send to players with a certain permission
 # # permission: bungeeresourcepacks.pack.<packname>
 #  restricted: false
 # # If you want you can define a specific permission for this pack if you don't want
 # # the default bungeeresourcepacks.pack.<packname> permission!
 #  permission: bungeeresourcepacks.pack.lobbypack
 #  # Set different variants e.g. for different versions or permissions
 #  # This list supports all normal pack settings and is checked top to bottom.
 #  # The first one that matches the player will be used.
 #  variants:
 #  - url:
 #    hash: 012345678abcdef012345678abcdef012345678a
 #    version: '1.15'
 #  - url:
 #    hash: 012345678abcdef01234567dddcdef012345678a
 #    version: '1.12'
 # Define as many packs as you want
 #  url:
 #  hash: abcdef012345678abcdef012345678abcdef0123
# Empty pack to reset the pack to the default one
 url: '<url>'
 hash: '<hash>'
 # Define a global pack:
 pack: ''
 # List of packs to not replace if the user already has them
 # If no main pack is set the first one also gets used to reset 
 # the pack if the user has a non-optional one
 # Also this list will be used to select a pack if a user does not have the permission
 # or the right version to use that pack. (From top to bottom)
 #- lobbypack
 # Delay in ticks before sending the pack to a player after he logs in/switches to the server
 send-delay: 20
# Different servers with different packs can be defined here
 # Config for a server named "lobby"
 #  pack: lobbypack
 #  optional-packs:
 #  - gamepack
   pack: 'acm2'
   # Use a regex to target all servers with a certain name
   regex: 'ACM2TDM-.*'
   send-delay: 20
   pack: 'acm2'
   regex: 'ACM2CTF-.*'
   send-delay: 20
   pack: 'acm2'
   regex: 'ACM2Rush-.*'
   send-delay: 20
 # Define as many servers as you want.
 # The name of the section is the server name unless a regex is specified.
 #  pack: another_example_pack

Environment description

  • OS: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Server
  • Bungee: Watetfall latest

Full Log

[02.08 15:32:19.158] INFO: [Proxy-1] [15:32:18 INFO]: [/<ip>] <-> InitialHandler has connected
[02.08 15:32:20.157] INFO: [Proxy-1] [15:32:19 INFO]: [jandie1505|/<ip>] <-> ServerConnector [SilentLo
bby-1] has connected
[02.08 15:32:26.162] INFO: [Proxy-1] [15:32:25 INFO]: [jandie1505|dynamic-<ip>/<ip
] <-> ServerConnector [ACM2Rush-1] has connected
[02.08 15:32:26.162] INFO: [Proxy-1] [15:32:25 INFO]: [dynamic-<ip>/<ip>
|jandie1505] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [SilentLobby-1] has disconnected
[02.08 15:32:27.163] INFO: [Proxy-1] [15:32:26 INFO] [BungeeResourcepacks]: [DEBUG] jandie1505 matched assignment ACM
2Rush due to main pack
[02.08 15:32:27.163] INFO: [Proxy-1] [15:32:26 INFO] [BungeeResourcepacks]: [DEBUG] Send pack acm2 (<url>) to jandie1505
[02.08 15:32:37.169] INFO: [Proxy-1] [15:32:36 INFO]: [jandie1505|dynamic-<ip>/<ip>
] <-> ServerConnector [SilentLobby-1] has connected
[02.08 15:32:37.170] INFO: [Proxy-1] [15:32:36 INFO]: [dynamic-<ip>/<ip>
|jandie1505] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [ACM2Rush-1] has disconnected

What other programs/plugins are you running?

PartyAndFriends, Geyser-Bungeecord, Floodgate-Bungee, LiteBans, LuckPerms, PremiumVanish, RedisBungee, ReportSystem (should all not affect resource packs)

What is happening?

Unloading packs via the empty pack is not working. If a resource pack is loaded and I enter a server which has no resource pack, nothing happens. If I use /resetpack false, it shows that the pack '' was stored and that I have no pack or the empty one loaded (but I have one loaded). But if I then try to load the currently used pack with /usepack , it shows the message that it is already loaded. But I cannot unload it with /resetpack altough the plugin knows that I have one loaded.

What did you expect to happen?

/resetpack or entering a server with no resource pack set will unload the resource pack (loading the empty one if one was previously loaded).

Additional context


jandie1505 avatar Aug 02 '23 15:08 jandie1505

I assume you mean the lobby SilentLobby-1?

Please try to remove the "pack" option from the global section and see if that makes a difference.

Phoenix616 avatar Aug 02 '23 20:08 Phoenix616

Also please make sure that your empty pack url/hash isn't.the same as the asm2 pack or any other pack, that would definitely cause issues. (It should also warn about that on startup)

Also generally speaking "latest" is no a version, you'll want to provide the exact version string from the startup including the build number.

Phoenix616 avatar Aug 02 '23 20:08 Phoenix616

The empty pack is not the same as the acm2 pack. I only replaced some values with placeholders to hide them. I also checked that the hash is correct and the file is accessible.

The version is version: '1.8.7-SNAPSHOT (build 519)' (from bungee.yml).

jandie1505 avatar Aug 02 '23 21:08 jandie1505

I just realized that I missed the first message of your reply. So I have removed the pack option, but the error still occurs.

jandie1505 avatar Aug 03 '23 11:08 jandie1505

This logic has been slightly reworked to be compatible with the 1.20.3+ pack removal packet. Please retest if this still is an issue.

Phoenix616 avatar Apr 02 '24 00:04 Phoenix616

I'm still having this issue with the following config and build 569.

I'm running 1.20.4 and I see the removal attempt in the console, but it doesn't actually remove it. I have to use /usepack to swap back to the minigame pack, then to empty, and it will be removed.

debug: true
# Default language
default-language: en
# Disable all metrics included in this plugin.
disable-metrics: false
# Whether or not resourcepack file hashes should be generated on startup:
autogeneratehashes: true
# Whether to append the pack hash to the end of the URL of the pack like url#hash.
# This is necessary to work around a Vanilla bug which prevents changed packs from being downloaded
# properly again:
append-hash-to-url: true
# Whether /usepack should apply packs temporary or permanent when run without any argument:
usepack-is-temporary: true
# Whether packs that a player has stored will override a matched assignments
stored-packs-override-assignments: false
# When manually setting a permanent pack then it will be reset if the user disconnects in under x amount of seconds.
# 0 or anything below will disable this functionality
permanent-pack-remove-time: 30
# Whether to only send packs if authenticated on the Minecraft server
# Requires WorldResourcepacks to be installed on the Minecraft server too
use-auth-plugin: false
# Different packs can be defined in this section
    # The url the client should download the resourcepack from.
    # Has to be a direct download link! No mediafire/mega/other oneclick-hoster!
    # The sha1 hash of the resourcepack's zip file,
    # if not correct the client will waste bandwidth but it will still work!
    # At least that's what the Minecraft wiki says... (Site:
    hash: 9d8c63f953248848b04ff923ff5c921a19a2270c
    # The UUID of the pack, if not set then it will be generated from the name
    uuid: ba4b1d60-cf4a-4976-943b-115b607dbf0c
    # The format version of this resourcepack
    format: 22
    # Directly define the Minecraft version instead of the format
    # Supports string representation of the versions and protocol numbers
    # You don't need to define both the version and the format (if so then the highest one will take effect)
    version: "1.8"
    # Whether or not this pack will only be send to players with a certain permission
    # permission: velocityresourcepacks.pack.<packname>
    restricted: false
    # If you want you can define a specific permission for this pack if you don't want
    # the default velocityresourcepacks.pack.<packname> permission!
    permission: velocityresourcepacks.pack.lobbypack
# Empty pack to reset the pack to the default one
  hash: 01517226212d27586ea0c5d6aff1aa5492dd2484
  # Define a global pack:
  pack: empty
  # List of packs to not replace if the user already has them
  # If no main pack is set the first one also gets used to reset 
  # the pack if the user has a non-optional one
  # Also this list will be used to select a pack if a user does not have the permission
  # or the right version to use that pack. (From top to bottom)
  optional-packs: []
  # Delay in ticks before sending the pack to a player after he logs in/switches to the server
  send-delay: 20
# Different servers with different packs can be defined here
    pack: terra-swoop-force

PseudoResonance avatar Apr 07 '24 06:04 PseudoResonance

I'm still having this issue with the following config and build 569.

I'm running 1.20.4 and I see the removal attempt in the console, but it doesn't actually remove it. I have to use /usepack to swap back to the minigame pack, then to empty, and it will be removed.

debug: true
# Default language
default-language: en
# Disable all metrics included in this plugin.
disable-metrics: false
# Whether or not resourcepack file hashes should be generated on startup:
autogeneratehashes: true
# Whether to append the pack hash to the end of the URL of the pack like url#hash.
# This is necessary to work around a Vanilla bug which prevents changed packs from being downloaded
# properly again:
append-hash-to-url: true
# Whether /usepack should apply packs temporary or permanent when run without any argument:
usepack-is-temporary: true
# Whether packs that a player has stored will override a matched assignments
stored-packs-override-assignments: false
# When manually setting a permanent pack then it will be reset if the user disconnects in under x amount of seconds.
# 0 or anything below will disable this functionality
permanent-pack-remove-time: 30
# Whether to only send packs if authenticated on the Minecraft server
# Requires WorldResourcepacks to be installed on the Minecraft server too
use-auth-plugin: false
# Different packs can be defined in this section
    # The url the client should download the resourcepack from.
    # Has to be a direct download link! No mediafire/mega/other oneclick-hoster!
    # The sha1 hash of the resourcepack's zip file,
    # if not correct the client will waste bandwidth but it will still work!
    # At least that's what the Minecraft wiki says... (Site:
    hash: 9d8c63f953248848b04ff923ff5c921a19a2270c
    # The UUID of the pack, if not set then it will be generated from the name
    uuid: ba4b1d60-cf4a-4976-943b-115b607dbf0c
    # The format version of this resourcepack
    format: 22
    # Directly define the Minecraft version instead of the format
    # Supports string representation of the versions and protocol numbers
    # You don't need to define both the version and the format (if so then the highest one will take effect)
    version: "1.8"
    # Whether or not this pack will only be send to players with a certain permission
    # permission: velocityresourcepacks.pack.<packname>
    restricted: false
    # If you want you can define a specific permission for this pack if you don't want
    # the default velocityresourcepacks.pack.<packname> permission!
    permission: velocityresourcepacks.pack.lobbypack
# Empty pack to reset the pack to the default one
  hash: 01517226212d27586ea0c5d6aff1aa5492dd2484
  # Define a global pack:
  pack: empty
  # List of packs to not replace if the user already has them
  # If no main pack is set the first one also gets used to reset 
  # the pack if the user has a non-optional one
  # Also this list will be used to select a pack if a user does not have the permission
  # or the right version to use that pack. (From top to bottom)
  optional-packs: []
  # Delay in ticks before sending the pack to a player after he logs in/switches to the server
  send-delay: 20
# Different servers with different packs can be defined here
    pack: terra-swoop-force

Please remove pack: empty from your global section, that should not be necessary. Then please also provide your full log if it still doesn't work.

Phoenix616 avatar Apr 07 '24 09:04 Phoenix616

It worked once randomly, but never again. The 1.20.4 client still doesn't unload the pack.

debug: true
# Default language
default-language: en
# Disable all metrics included in this plugin.
disable-metrics: false
# Whether or not resourcepack file hashes should be generated on startup:
autogeneratehashes: true
# Whether to append the pack hash to the end of the URL of the pack like url#hash.
# This is necessary to work around a Vanilla bug which prevents changed packs from being downloaded
# properly again:
append-hash-to-url: true
# Whether /usepack should apply packs temporary or permanent when run without any argument:
usepack-is-temporary: true
# Whether packs that a player has stored will override a matched assignments
stored-packs-override-assignments: false
# When manually setting a permanent pack then it will be reset if the user disconnects in under x amount of seconds.
# 0 or anything below will disable this functionality
permanent-pack-remove-time: 30
# Whether to only send packs if authenticated on the Minecraft server
# Requires WorldResourcepacks to be installed on the Minecraft server too
use-auth-plugin: false
# Different packs can be defined in this section
    # The url the client should download the resourcepack from.
    # Has to be a direct download link! No mediafire/mega/other oneclick-hoster!
    # The sha1 hash of the resourcepack's zip file,
    # if not correct the client will waste bandwidth but it will still work!
    # At least that's what the Minecraft wiki says... (Site:
    hash: bc0a201c9dd828e564f8c709a2b94f784a5ac7c5
    # The UUID of the pack, if not set then it will be generated from the name
    uuid: ba4b1d60-cf4a-4976-943b-115b607dbf0c
    # The format version of this resourcepack
    format: 22
# Empty pack to reset the pack to the default one
  hash: 01517226212d27586ea0c5d6aff1aa5492dd2484
  # Define a global pack:
  # pack: empty
  # List of packs to not replace if the user already has them
  # If no main pack is set the first one also gets used to reset 
  # the pack if the user has a non-optional one
  # Also this list will be used to select a pack if a user does not have the permission
  # or the right version to use that pack. (From top to bottom)
  optional-packs: []
  # Delay in ticks before sending the pack to a player after he logs in/switches to the server
  send-delay: 100
# Different servers with different packs can be defined here
    pack: terra-swoop-force

[03:17:35] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.VelocityServer]: Booting up Velocity 3.3.0-SNAPSHOT (git-75d6dcc1-b371)...
[03:17:35] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.VelocityServer]: Loading localizations...
[03:17:35] [main/INFO] []: Connections will use epoll channels, libdeflate (Linux x86_64) compression, OpenSSL 3.0.x (Linux x86_64) ciphers
[03:17:35] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.VelocityServer]: Loading plugins...
[03:17:36] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin cleanping 1.5.1 by frafol
[03:17:37] [main/INFO] [floodgate]: Took 282ms to boot Floodgate
[03:17:37] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin floodgate 2.2.2-SNAPSHOT (b96-7f38765) by GeyserMC
[03:17:37] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin geyser 2.2.2-SNAPSHOT (git-master-c9ca4c8) by GeyserMC
[03:17:37] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin kickredirect 2.0.10 by 4drian3d
[03:17:37] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin luckperms 5.4.119 by Luck
[03:17:37] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin mapmodcompanion 0.9.0-beta.2 by turikhay
[03:17:37] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin mckotlin-velocity 1.4.0-k1.9.21 by 4drian3d
[03:17:37] [main/INFO] [packetevents]: Plugin started
[03:17:37] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin packetevents 2.2.1 by retrooper
[03:17:37] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin papiproxybridge 1.5 by William278
[03:17:37] [main/INFO] [reconnect]: Using 'mariadb' as storage method!
[03:17:37] [main/INFO] [com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource]: reconnect - Starting...
[03:17:37] [main/INFO] [com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool]: reconnect - Added connection org.mariadb.jdbc.Connection@3bf54172
[03:17:37] [main/INFO] [com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource]: reconnect - Start completed.
[03:17:37] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin reconnect 1.3 by MattMX
[03:17:37] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin send 3.0.0 by OskarsMC, OskarZyg
[03:17:37] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin serverpermissions 1.3.1 by 4drian3d
[03:17:37] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin tab 4.1.2 by NEZNAMY
[03:17:37] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin velocityresourcepacks 1.9.0-SNAPSHOT (build 569) by Phoenix616
[03:17:37] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin vlobby 2.1.0 by 4drian3d
[03:17:37] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin vmessage 1.6.1 by FeuSalamander
[03:17:37] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityPluginManager]: Loaded plugin zenchathistory 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT by 
[03:17:38] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.VelocityServer]: Loaded 17 plugins
[03:17:38] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.console.VelocityConsole]:         __    
[03:17:38] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.console.VelocityConsole]:   |    |__)   LuckPerms v5.4.119
[03:17:38] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.console.VelocityConsole]:   |___ |      Running on Velocity - Velocity
[03:17:38] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.console.VelocityConsole]: 
[03:17:38] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [luckperms]: Loading configuration...
[03:17:38] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [luckperms]: Loading storage provider... [MARIADB]
[03:17:38] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource]: luckperms-hikari - Starting...
[03:17:38] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource]: luckperms-hikari - Start completed.
[03:17:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [luckperms]: Loading messaging service... [REDIS]
[03:17:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [luckperms]: Loading internal permission managers...
[03:17:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [luckperms]: Performing initial data load...
[03:17:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [luckperms]: Successfully enabled. (took 1516ms)
[03:17:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [cleanping]: 
   ___ _                 ___ _           
  / __| |___ __ _ _ _   | _ (_)_ _  __ _ 
 | (__| / -_) _` | ' \  |  _/ | ' \/ _` |
  \___|_\___\__,_|_||_| |_| |_|_||_\__, |

[03:17:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [cleanping]: Loading configuration...
[03:17:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [cleanping]: Loading commands...
[03:17:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [cleanping]: Metrics loaded successfully!
[03:17:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [cleanping]: Plugin successfully loaded!
[03:17:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/WARN] []: The server channel initializer has been replaced by java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
[03:17:39] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/WARN] []: The backend channel initializer has been replaced by java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
[03:17:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [geyser]: Loading extensions...
[03:17:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [geyser]: Loaded 0 extension(s)
[03:17:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [kickredirect]: Starting plugin...
[03:17:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [kickredirect]: Fully started plugin in 196 ms
[03:17:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [mapmodcompanion]: Configuration has been loaded
[03:17:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [packetevents]: Injecting packetevents...
[03:17:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/WARN] []: The server channel initializer has been replaced by java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
[03:17:41] [packetevents-update-check-thread/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.console.VelocityConsole]: Checking for updates, please wait...
[03:17:41] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [papiproxybridge]: PAPIProxyBridge (Velocity) has been enabled!
[03:17:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [serverpermissions]: ServerPermissions has been correctly started
[03:17:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [tab]: §aEnabled in 242ms
[03:17:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: Loading config!
[03:17:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: Loaded config.yml
[03:17:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: Loaded players.conf
[03:17:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: Debug level: INFO
[03:17:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: Loaded key.yml
[03:17:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: Found locale en
[03:17:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: Loading packs:
[03:17:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: terra-swoop-force - - bc0a201c9dd828e564f8c709a2b94f784a5ac7c5
[03:17:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: [DEBUG] {url=, uuid=ba4b1d60-cf4a-4976-943b-115b607dbf0c, hash=bc0a201c9dd828e564f8c709a2b94f784a5ac7c5, local-path=null, format=22, version=null, restricted=false, permission=velocityresourcepacks.pack.terra-swoop-force, type=null, variants=null}
[03:17:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: Empty pack - - 01517226212d27586ea0c5d6aff1aa5492dd2484
[03:17:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: Loading global assignment...
[03:17:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: [DEBUG] Optional packs:
[03:17:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: [DEBUG] Send delay: 100
[03:17:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: [DEBUG] Loaded PackAssignment{name=global, packs=[], optional-packs=[], sendDelay=100}
[03:17:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: Loading server assignments...
[03:17:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: Loading assignment for server minigame...
[03:17:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: [DEBUG] Pack: terra-swoop-force
[03:17:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: [DEBUG] Loaded server assignment PackAssignment{name=minigame, packs=[terra-swoop-force], optional-packs=[], sendDelay=-1}
[03:17:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: [DEBUG] Stored packs override assignments: false
[03:17:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: [DEBUG] Append hash to pack URL: true
[03:17:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: Detected Geyser-Velocity 2.2.2-SNAPSHOT (git-master-c9ca4c8)
[03:17:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: Detected floodgate 2.2.2-SNAPSHOT (b96-7f38765)
[03:17:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: Detected floodgate 2.2.2-SNAPSHOT (b96-7f38765)
[03:17:42] [VelocityResourcepacks - Task Executor #1/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: Generating hashes...
[03:17:42] [VelocityResourcepacks - Task Executor #1/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: Downloading terra-swoop-force...
[03:17:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [vlobby]: Correctly loaded Configuration
[03:17:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [vlobby]: Command Handler: COMMAND_TO_SERVER
[03:17:42] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [vlobby]: Lobby Commands (command->server):
minigame -> minigame
survival -> survival
creative -> creative
[03:17:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [vmessage]: Vmessage by FeuSalamander is working !
[03:17:43] [Netty epoll Boss #0/INFO] []: Listening on /[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0%0]:25565
[03:17:43] [main/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.Velocity]: Done (8.42s)!
[03:17:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: ******************************************
[03:17:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: 
[03:17:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Loading Geyser version 2.2.2-SNAPSHOT (git-master-c9ca4c8)
[03:17:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: 
[03:17:43] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: ******************************************
[03:17:46] [VelocityResourcepacks - Task Executor #1/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: SHA 1 hash of terra-swoop-force: bc0a201c9dd828e564f8c709a2b94f784a5ac7c5
[03:17:47] [VelocityResourcepacks - Task Executor #1/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: Downloading empty...
[03:17:47] [VelocityResourcepacks - Task Executor #1/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: SHA 1 hash of empty: 01517226212d27586ea0c5d6aff1aa5492dd2484
[03:17:47] [VelocityResourcepacks - Task Executor #1/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: No hash changed!
[03:17:49] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Port set from system property: 19132
[03:17:49] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Started Geyser on
[03:17:50] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #2/INFO] [geyser]: Done (6.837s)! Run /geyser help for help!
[03:18:15] [Netty epoll Worker #0/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.client.AuthSessionHandler]: [connected player] PseudoResonance (/ has connected
[03:18:15] [Netty epoll Worker #0/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.MinecraftConnection]: [server connection] PseudoResonance -> survival has connected
[03:18:16] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #0/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.console.VelocityConsole]: Join» PseudoResonance
[03:18:19] [Netty epoll Worker #0/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.MinecraftConnection]: [server connection] PseudoResonance -> minigame has connected
[03:18:19] [Netty epoll Worker #0/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.MinecraftConnection]: [server connection] PseudoResonance -> survival has disconnected
[03:18:19] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #1/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.console.VelocityConsole]: Move» PseudoResonance» Minigame
[03:18:21] [VelocityResourcepacks - Task Executor #1/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: [DEBUG] PseudoResonance matched assignment minigame due to main packs
[03:18:21] [VelocityResourcepacks - Task Executor #1/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: [DEBUG] Sent pack terra-swoop-force ( to PseudoResonance.
[03:18:24] [VelocityResourcepacks - Task Executor #1/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: [DEBUG] PseudoResonance matched assignment minigame due to main packs
[03:18:28] [Netty epoll Worker #0/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.MinecraftConnection]: [server connection] PseudoResonance -> survival has connected
[03:18:28] [Netty epoll Worker #0/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.connection.MinecraftConnection]: [server connection] PseudoResonance -> minigame has disconnected
[03:18:28] [Velocity Async Event Executor - #1/INFO] [com.velocitypowered.proxy.console.VelocityConsole]: Move» PseudoResonance» Survival
[03:18:33] [VelocityResourcepacks - Task Executor #1/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: [DEBUG] Removed pack terra-swoop-force (ba4b1d60-cf4a-4976-943b-115b607dbf0c) from PseudoResonance

PseudoResonance avatar Apr 07 '24 10:04 PseudoResonance

[03:18:33] [VelocityResourcepacks - Task Executor #1/INFO] [velocityresourcepacks]: [DEBUG] Removed pack terra-swoop-force (ba4b1d60-cf4a-4976-943b-115b607dbf0c) from PseudoResonance

According to your log the pack was removed so there is at least no error in the config/internal state logic. Are you saying that then the pack still was loaded in the client and no removal/pack load screen showed at that time? If so please check for errors in your client's latest.log.

Phoenix616 avatar Apr 07 '24 10:04 Phoenix616

Yes, there's no indication on the client side whatsoever that it is trying to remove the pack, and it stays enabled. Edit: I used gadget to dump the packets, and the resource pack removal packet is not received at all. If I do /usepack to enable and disable the resource pack, I can see the ResourcePackSend and ResourcePackRemove packets in the dump.

PseudoResonance avatar Apr 07 '24 10:04 PseudoResonance

Edit: I used gadget to dump the packets, and the resource pack removal packet is not received at all. If I do /usepack to enable and disable the resource pack, I can see the ResourcePackSend and ResourcePackRemove packets in the dump.

That's really weird seeing as they use the same code. Also the log message I mentioned before is sent directly after the removal request API was used so there can't be an error there and it was definitely called.

Can you test without any other plugins? E.g. I see you have PacketEvents installed, maybe something is messing with the packets.

Phoenix616 avatar Apr 07 '24 13:04 Phoenix616

I just tested it out with a brand new Velocity 3.3.0-SNAPSHOT (git-75d6dcc1-b371) install and no plugins besides VRP 1.9.0-SNAPSHOT (build 569), and it still didn't work. I see the ResourcePackSend, then the client sends 3 ResourcePackStatus packets, confirming it accepted, downloaded and loaded the pack, but there's never a remove packet.

PseudoResonance avatar Apr 10 '24 13:04 PseudoResonance