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Bukkit plugin which lets you teleport players to random locations. [v2 requires 1.13+]

RandomTeleport v2

Second generation random teleport Bukkit Plugin.

Lets you teleport players to a random location of a map within your provided parameters while respecting stuff like world borders and region protections.

SpigotMC resource page: http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/fubs-random-teleport.1094/


Aliases: randomteleport, randomtp, rtp

Permission: randomteleport.use

Usage Description
/rtp uses the default preset
/rtp <preset1,...> [<playername>] uses a specific or random preset
/rtp <minRange> <maxRange> [<options>] minRange - minimum distance to the center point (square shaped)
maxRange - maximum distance to the center point (square shaped)
/rtp --stat shows a statistic of the teleports since the last restart
/rtp --reload reloads the config
Option Description
-p,-player <playername> teleports other players
-w,-world <world1,world2,...> teleports the player in a specific or random world
-b,-biome <biomename...> only teleport to this biome (multiple allowed, Bukkit biome names!)
-x,-xPos <x value> x axis of the center point, if not set the player's x axis is used
-z,-zPos <z value> z axis of the center point, if not set the player's z axis is used
-minY <y value> minimum y value that the random location should have (default: 0)
-maxY <y value> maximum y value that the random location should have (default: world height, half in nether)
-l,-loaded only search loaded chunks for possible locations (might fail more often)
-g,-generated only search generated chunks for possible locations
-c, -cooldown <seconds> cooldown in seconds after which the player can use this teleporter again
-id <id> the ID to use for the cooldown, uses automatically generated one if not provided
-f,-force teleport even if there is no dirt/grass/sand/gravel, only checks for lava/water/cactus, ignores WorldGuard/Faction regions
-f,-force [<blocks/regions>] only ignore blocks or regions
-t,-tries <amount> the amount of times the plugin should try to find a random location before giving up
-sp,spawnpoint [force] set the respawn point of the player to the location he teleported to (force overrides existing spawnpoint)
-checkdelay <ticks> the amount of ticks to wait between each chunk check
-debug print some more debugging information in the log


Permission Default Description
randomteleport.use op Gives permission to the command
randomteleport.manual op Gives permission to manually specify parameters in the command
randomteleport.manual.option.* op Gives permission to use certain options in the command
randomteleport.tpothers op Gives permission to teleport other players
randomteleport.cooldownexempt op Teleportcooldown does not effect these players
randomteleport.stat op Permission for showing the teleport statistic
randomteleport.reload op Permission to use the reload command
randomteleport.presets.default op Gives permission to use the default random teleport preset
randomteleport.presets.* op Gives permission to use all random teleport presets
randomteleport.sign.preset.default op Gives permission to use the default preset with a rightclick on a preset sign
randomteleport.sign.preset.* op Gives permission to use all presets with a rightclick on a preset sign
randomteleport.sign.create op Allows creating preset signs ([rtp] or [RandomTP] on the 2nd line and the preset name on the 3rd)
randomteleport.sign.destroy op Allows destroying preset signs ([rtp] or [RandomTP] on the 2nd line and the preset name on the 3rd)


Releases: SpigotMC resource page

Development Builds: Minebench.de Jenkins server


Copyright (c) 2019 Max Lee aka Phoenix616 ([email protected])

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.