Changing the `Makefile` to `CFLAGS += -ffreestanding -fno-common -nostdlib -Wno-vla` worked, but I feel like a chimp with a machine gun here...
I have the opposite problem. When I use the web server and 'wget' a page, it has no margins, which is what I want. (The README must appear in a...
I'm good. `--no-inline` moves the CSS to files that my browser can't read; then I use string surgery to remove the lines that say ``. The result is clean HTML...
Raspberry Pis come with Bluez 5.50. I built the current master version and got 5.65, and it still has the bug.
I built Bluez and added the line device_remove_stored(device); (and `sudo make install` didn't copy `bluetoothd` into `/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd` so I did that manually) and I still can't re-pair. Android just says...
Mission accomplished. Correctly compiling and running the patch in #433 fixed the bug, and I can re-pair. Thanks!
I cannot reproduce the brief success I had applying the patch in #433 to this bug. I applied the patch to the HEAD of BlueZ (5.65 or so), and I...
has anyone tried to reproduce my bug? Turn on Simple Secure Pairing, pair, un-pair, and try to re-pair?
but ya that's the patch that apparently doesn't work in my case
it turns out I needed to upgrade to the latest Bluez and then enable the line in the Bluez configuration "JustWorksRepairing." The confusion was because Raspberry Pi thwarted my every...