Servers and clients must have static IP addresses
May be same issue on the screen-record bellow, on Ubuntu Mate 22.04. Frame is blinking, no way to open it or close it.
Please, add support to Ledger to Keplr for Firefox. Same as OP.
For now, I don't know how to do that.
Fixed with the latest release as AppImage
A remove option will be a good thing, I agree. May be enhance in future.
Install is ok on 18.04, please see here the log:
Try : Release with GTK3 GUI (works with Ubuntu 20.04): ``` sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gambas-team/gambas3 -y && sudo apt-get update && wget -P ~ && sudo dpkg -i ~/simple-nfs-gui_1.0.16-0ubuntu1_all.deb &&...
I issued two releases with different GUI. Please, try it and tell for each what. Release with GTK3 GUI (works with Ubuntu 20.04): ``` sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gambas-team/gambas3 -y && sudo...