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momentum transitions for flow-router


Transitions for Flow Router using Momentum.

Live Demo

Live Demo here

Live Demo Code here

Meteor Pad Playground here

Getting started:

Setup routes (with names)

Make sure that every route that you want to perform a transition from or to needs to have a name. This is crucial for defining the transitions between routes later.

FlowRouter.route('/main', {
	name: 'main',
	action: function () {
		FlowLayout.render('layout', {
			top: 'mainToolbar',
			main: 'main'

At the moment this package/momentum does not support doing animations when swtiching bewteen different layouts. (But maybe there will be a way in the near future :) )

Setup markup

In your flow-layout you wrap the momentum helper around your template region.

{{#momentum plugin='flow-router'}}
  {{> Template.dynamic template=main}}

Something to note here, is that the momentum tags must directly wrap the dynamic template.
In order to get clean transitions without a scrollbar showing up you should also wrap each of your templates inside a fixed div. The package comes with a predefined css-class .frt-fixed-content-wrapper, which basically is a fixed div with top: 0; right: 0; left: 0; right: 0 that you need to adapt to fit your content. Normally it is enough to just adjust the top and bottom values, but sometimes you might also need to redefine the width of the fixed div, which can be a bit tricky. The trick here is to set the left and right to 0 and then adjust the margin-left/margin-right (without having a fixed width or width 100%).
So this should get you started with a fixed div, which you can then adjust to your needs:

<template name="contentWrapper">
  <div class="frt-fixed-content-wrapper">
    {{> UI.contentBlock}}

And now you can wrap your templates inside the contentWrapper like so:

<template name="main">
      <a href="/left" class="btn">left</a>
      <a href="/right" class="btn">right</a>

Define transitions

Option A: Manual Definition

Call the Transitioner.setTransitions method and give it your transition configuration. The pattern for the key is fromRouteName->toRouteName and the value is a momentum transition (see the momentum package for more options for predefined transitions)

  'main->left': 'left-to-right',
  'left->main': 'right-to-left',

  'main->right': 'right-to-left',
  'right->main': 'left-to-right',

  'default': 'fade'

Option B: Automated Definition

Call the Transitioner.TransitionOrder method with an array of each named route. The snippet below is taken from the example meteor app with the most basic route names.

var NamedRoutes = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6'];

Which is then compiled to:

   "0->1": "right-to-left",
   "0->2": "right-to-left",
   "0->3": "right-to-left",
   "0->4": "right-to-left",
   "0->5": "right-to-left",
   'default': 'fade'
// Note the default transition is fade

Custom transitions

You can also define your own transitions with Momentum.

Momentum.registerPlugin('transition-name', function(options) {
  return {
    insertElement: function(node, next) { ... },
    removeElement: function(node) { ... }

Examples can be found in the plugins folder of Momentum :


MIT. (c) maintained by Philipp Sporrer (@philippspo).


Percolate Studio, Tom Coleman (@tmeasday).