keepass2android icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
keepass2android copied to clipboard

Availability through f-droid?

Open natrius opened this issue 6 years ago • 52 comments

Is it possible to make it available via f-droid or is there a reason its not there? As its open source it should be possible.

If not, it should be possible via a custom repository for keepass2android so its available for users without google play store


natrius avatar Oct 09 '17 09:10 natrius

There has been a packaging request on F-Droid's Gitlab site. Maybe someone can help out @PhilippC with the licensing questions?

firecat53 avatar Oct 11 '17 17:10 firecat53

I think that's the policy for submitting to f-droid:

It links to the list of licenses: . As far as I understand all GPLCompatibleLicenses and GPLIncompatibleLicenses are fine.

nougad avatar Oct 13 '17 06:10 nougad

@PhilippC: I think the best option is to disable all proprietary things through a F-Droid build flavor. It should be the de-facto standard, and one example is riot-android.

Just by the way, Syncthing is comfortable.

ishitatsuyuki avatar Oct 20 '17 05:10 ishitatsuyuki

I have created an fdroid branch which should resolve the licensing issues. For updates, please refer to

PhilippC avatar Oct 24 '17 03:10 PhilippC

Looking forward to the F-Droid release! :)

CryptGoat avatar Oct 26 '17 21:10 CryptGoat

@PhilippC will the fdroid-build have entirely the same features as the master?

if not - or as a quick workaround, since it isn't completely done for now - please release an apk at github/gitlab. i'm sure @IzzySoft will be so kind to pick it up and add to his F-Droid Repository.

DJCrashdummy avatar Nov 03 '17 09:11 DJCrashdummy

If it's a build different from F-Droid, it should preferably have a different package name then to avoid confusion. But yes, feel free to ping me then.

IzzySoft avatar Nov 03 '17 10:11 IzzySoft

Presumably proprietary file syncing features are removed, and that should be the only difference.

ishitatsuyuki avatar Nov 03 '17 10:11 ishitatsuyuki

@ishitatsuyuki for sure all proprietary parts won't be included in an fdroid-version, but what specific features will be affected...?

DJCrashdummy avatar Nov 06 '17 12:11 DJCrashdummy

Most file syncing platforms.

ishitatsuyuki avatar Nov 06 '17 12:11 ishitatsuyuki the nonet-version may be identical and easier to publish via f-droid?

DJCrashdummy avatar Nov 06 '17 12:11 DJCrashdummy

Hm, if you don't want to hassle much around it would be possible to set up your own repo for f-droid: You may consider it, you don't have to change anything at the app itself. And everybody gets updates if you update it. But via the f-droid repo would still be wonderful : D

natrius avatar Nov 09 '17 09:11 natrius

@natrius that's why i asked in to publish an apk-file which can be included into an own repo.

DJCrashdummy avatar Nov 09 '17 12:11 DJCrashdummy

Is there an update? Or is there even the possibility to download the .apk ?

natrius avatar Mar 07 '18 12:03 natrius

@natrius the apks are still on the releases page and the app is still not on F-Droid.

You could save other people's time, simply by reading and clicking.

alexanderadam avatar Mar 07 '18 12:03 alexanderadam

@alexanderadam that RFP is still stalled, so the app itself is not on F-Droid yet.

IzzySoft avatar Jun 18 '18 12:06 IzzySoft

@IzzySoft I know. That's the reason why I wrote that it is still not available and linked to that rfp. :wink:

alexanderadam avatar Jun 18 '18 13:06 alexanderadam

Ouch, I missed 3 letters in that link: "not" :scream: Apologies!

IzzySoft avatar Jun 18 '18 14:06 IzzySoft

It's somehow a pity. There are a some really good KeePass clients like keepass2android and keepshare that are open source bot not on F-Droid yet. Currently I'm using KeePassDX because it looks more modern than keepassdroid.

Is there any client I could have missed?

alexanderadam avatar Jun 29 '18 10:06 alexanderadam

@alexanderadam keepshare hasn't been updated for more than a year now (last commit was in 6/2017, last release in 2016). TinyKeePass is at F-Droid as well.

If you follow the RFP for Keepass2Android you will find that @PhilippC and I are working to get it into my repo at least, but that might take a little (Philipp might be able to give an ETA).

IzzySoft avatar Jun 29 '18 11:06 IzzySoft

@alexanderadam @natrius @DJCrashdummy @CryptOwl finally it's available in my repo (since July 9th).

IzzySoft avatar Jul 11 '18 22:07 IzzySoft

But still not in the official repos. :cry:

alexanderadam avatar Jul 12 '18 10:07 alexanderadam

@IzzySoft thank you very much! definitely an improvement. do you think is it somehow possible to get the add-ons into a repo - at least into yours, as long as they are also not in the main one?

DJCrashdummy avatar Jul 12 '18 18:07 DJCrashdummy

@DJCrashdummy hard to say, as most of the linked ones don't have APKs in their repos. And the other 2 (K2AUSBKeyboard and AutoFill Plug-in) are already in my repo :wink:

IzzySoft avatar Jul 12 '18 18:07 IzzySoft

@IzzySoft i knew about the K2AUSBKeyboard but somehow missed the AutoFill Plug-in... :confused: i'll take this as an ok from your side as soon as we get some APKs. :wink:

DJCrashdummy avatar Jul 13 '18 08:07 DJCrashdummy

@DJCrashdummy you didn't mention the first (but had me check! evil, evil :rofl:) – and couldn't have seen the second as I adopted that only after your previous comment was posted. And you can take that as a "not OK as long as there are no APKs" – though I'll probably take them in when they're there; but wouldn't it be better to file an RFP with the official repo first? If they accept and build it, there'd be no reason for Philipp to provide APKs in his repos.

IzzySoft avatar Jul 13 '18 09:07 IzzySoft

Any news on pushing this app to F-Droid eventually? I'd rather install it from F-Droid than from Google Play.

nazar-pc avatar Feb 01 '19 03:02 nazar-pc

@nazar-pc it's currently available in my repo – but I agree it should be in the official one. The reason why it isn't can be found here: it's a Xamarin app, and would need an F-Droid team member with Xamarin experience to build…

IzzySoft avatar Feb 01 '19 07:02 IzzySoft

Still no progress?

shyney7 avatar Apr 03 '20 17:04 shyney7

Hello, Could you add some kind of tl;dr about current f-droid status to readme, please? I see that issue got duplicated multiple times and people asking for updates, so it will be easier for all to find that information in readme.

BTW, link to @IzzySoft repo in readme is good idea, too

rakshazi avatar Jun 07 '20 07:06 rakshazi