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How do I search only one database instead of all open databases?
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I don't like the feature that searches all open databases to find an entry. I frequently have entries that have the same name, and even the same group, so there's no way to tell if the entry is from one database or the other when I'm doing autofill on a site. If the entries showed which database they're being sourced from that'd be one thing, but I don't see an option for that anywhere either. And I don't see any options for searching a single database either. I've pored over the settings in the app, and unless I'm missing something obvious, there's no setting to change this.
I've also searched on reddit and the Issues section here, and haven't found anything addressing my concerns.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
this feature is currently not available. Just to understand: Why do you have entries with the same names and groups? Wouldn't it help to give them unique names?
@PhilippC thanks for the response!
I tried to take a screenshot to give an example but I can't because of the no-screenshot policy inside the Keepass2Android app. But I'll give an example here:
- Logging into on my Android phone.
- I enter my username and hit enter, which opens the password screen.
- My keyboard (SwiftKey) shows the "Fill with Keepass2Android" button, which I click on.
- The Keepass2Android app opens, showing results for, which is the following two entries:
- Title: PayPal; Subtitle: [email protected]
- Title: PayPal; Subtitle: [email protected]
- At this point I don't know which one to click as one of them belongs to my password database, and the other belong to my TOTP database; I keep the two in separate databases to ensure separation of responsibilities, and that there's not a total loss lest one of these is compromised but not the other (both databases obviously have different keys, etc., but are both loaded in Keepass2Android). One holds the username + password + url, the other the username + TOTP + url.
If the app showed me which database it's sourcing said entry from, I'd be able to visually identify, choose, and proceed. Currently, however, I just pick one of them and hope it's the right one. If not, I just go back to the K2A app and choose the second entry (which is also a crapshoot as it seems like there's no guarantee which entry shows up first).