calibre-ios-reader-applications copied to clipboard
Calibre not recognizing iPad
Calibre 64 bit 2.25 running on Windows 8.1 64Bit machine (also did not work on Calibre 2.24) iTunes installed on PC iPad IOS 8.3 There was an IOS update last week and I think it broke the app. Everything worked fine previous to that update. The iPad is shown as connected in both ITunes and Windows explorer.
Debug data:
calibre Debug log
calibre 2.25 [64bit] isfrozen: True is64bit: True
Windows-8-6.2.9200 Windows ('64bit', 'WindowsPE')
('Windows', '8', '6.2.9200')
Python 2.7.9
Windows: ('8', '6.2.9200', '', 'Multiprocessor Free')
DEBUG: 0.0 iOSReaderApp:initialize(v1.
DEBUG: 0.0 iOSReaderApp:compile_ui()
DEBUG: 0.1 iOSReaderApp:_init_prefs(prefs created under v1.
DEBUG: 0.1 cc_mappings: {u'Calibre Library': {u'marvin_locked': {u'field': u'#yesno', u'combobox': u'Cam'}}}
DEBUG: 0.1 debug_libimobiledevice: False
DEBUG: 0.1 debug_plugin: True
DEBUG: 0.1 development_mode: False
DEBUG: 0.1 device_booklist_cache_limit: 10
DEBUG: 0.1 device_booklist_caching: True
DEBUG: 0.1 kindle_enabled_formats: [u'MOBI', u'PDF']
DEBUG: 0.1 kindle_supported_formats: [u'MOBI', u'PDF']
DEBUG: 0.1 marvin_edit_collections_cb: False
DEBUG: 0.1 marvin_protect_rb: False
DEBUG: 0.1 marvin_replace_rb: False
DEBUG: 0.1 marvin_update_rb: True
DEBUG: 0.1 plugin_diagnostics: True
DEBUG: 0.1 preferred_reader_app: u'Marvin'
DEBUG: 0.1 iOSReaderApp:_get_connected_device_info()
DEBUG: 0.1 No connected iDevices
Successfully initialized third party plugins: KoboTouchExtended && Kobo Utilities && Barnes & Noble && Marvin XD && Goodreads && KindleUnpack - The Plugin && iOS reader applications && Find Duplicates
Starting up...
DEBUG: 0.0 - loading translations
DEBUG: 0.0 - loading translations
DEBUG: 0.0 - loading translations
DEBUG: 1.4 MarvinManagerAction:genesis(v1.2.4)
DEBUG: 1.4 MarvinManagerAction:init_options()
DEBUG: 1.4 AnnotationsDB:connect(db_version: 1)
DEBUG: 1.4 MarvinManagerAction:inflate_dialog_resources()
DEBUG: 1.4 MarvinManagerAction:compile_ui()
DEBUG: 2.0 iOSReaderApp:startup()
DEBUG: 2.0 iOSReaderApp:_dump_installed_plugins()
DEBUG: 2.0 plugin author version
DEBUG: 2.0 ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------
DEBUG: 2.0 Barnes & Noble Grant Drake 1.2.12
DEBUG: 2.0 Find Duplicates Grant Drake 1.6.2
DEBUG: 2.0 Goodreads Grant Drake 1.1.8
DEBUG: 2.0 KindleUnpack - The Plugin DiapDealer.
Original, Copyright © 2009 Charles M. Hannum [email protected].
Extensions / Improvements Copyright © 2009-2012 P. Durrant, K. Hendricks, S. Siebert, fandrieu, DiapDealer, nickredding, tkeo.
DEBUG: 2.0 Kobo Utilities David Forrester 2.0.5
DEBUG: 2.0 KoboTouchExtended Joel Goguen 2.3.3
DEBUG: 2.0 Marvin XD Wulf C. Krueger 1.2.4
DEBUG: 2.0 ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------
DEBUG: 2.4 No Kobo Touch, Glo or Mini appears to be connected
DEBUG: 2.4 rebuild_menus - self.supports_ratings=None
DEBUG: 3.5 MarvinManagerAction:rebuild_menus()
DEBUG: 3.5 Marvin not connected
Started up in 33.88 seconds with 5228 books
DEBUG: 52.4 MarvinManagerAction:shutting_down()
There's a known compatibility problem with iOS 8.3. Nothing can be done about it at this time.