CircleDisplay icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
CircleDisplay copied to clipboard

Android View for displaying and selecting values in a circle-shaped View, with animations and touch gestures.

Results 5 CircleDisplay issues
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if the maximum value is 100 and four colors are set in the int array in the order: red, orange, yellow, green. The arc color will be red between 0...

Hello, i have noticed an issue when i change the screen orientation to landscape, i have two separated circles. Please any help ?

I added this setters working on a study project which included your view. Thanks!

There is not an option to change the animation from clockwise to anit-clokwise, I have to spent a couple of hours researching for implementing the anti-clockwise animation that I need...

I have an activity that shows a CircleDisplay beneath a chart. All works well when the layout is placed inside a LinearLayout. But when I place this LinearLayout inside a...