
Results 32 comments of Pheggas

> Hello mate, have you given your idea a spin? I am quite interested in the entire process. Not quite. It was a long time ago and I pretty much...

I would kill for this feature.

Odporúčam inštaláciu priamo cez linux (na windowse - WSL). Robil som všetko podľa postupu a ide to. Sem tam vyhodi nejaký error ale nakoniec všetko stiahlo, pojoinovalo tie party a...

Nakoniec som zistil že WSL nie je až taký dobrý na toto použitie 😄 Nainštaluj si VMWare a tam to hoď 😄 Nie je to nič ťažké a pomocou googlu...

> Musí to byť Ubuntu Server? Mám už desktop verziu. Nemusí. Ide o to aby to bolo čo najmenej CPU hungry. Teda aspoň mne na tom záleží.

Si si istý že to spúšťaš správne? Linux nie je rovnaký ako Windows...

> Try downgrading to version 3.3.1 That doesn't work either. It just solves the captcha but don't actually download the file

> But older version of ulozto-downloader is working. Which older versions are working? I downgraded to 3.3.1 and it didn't work.

Interesting. For me it's just throwing bunch of captcha solves and it doesn't start to download. I was on this version earlier this year and it worked fine. Could you...

> For me as well, it gets right like one out of hundred captchas right but at the end of the day it's still faster than normal download from