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telegram bot for manage Wireguard server

PheeZz's Wireguard Bot

Code style: black Packaged with Poetry
!Ubuntu !Debian !Python !PostgreSQL !Wireguard !AdGuard !Telegram

Contents tree:

  1. Description
  2. Stack
  3. Before you start...
  4. Setup guide

❗️Attention: check my new VPN bot on XRAY (xtls-reality) protocol


This bot is designed to manage Wireguard VPN server. It can automatically connect and disconnect users, generate QR codes for mobile clients, and also can be used as a payment system for VPN services.


Core: python 3.10, aiogram 2.x
Database: postgresql

Before you start... (if don't want to use semi-automatic installation script)

  1. You need to manually install Wireguard on your server. You can find installation guide here.
  2. You need to configure Wireguard server. You can find configuration guide here (RUS).
  3. You need to create a bot using BotFather.
  4. You need to install PostgreSQL.
  5. You need to have poetry installed on your system. You can find installation guide here.


  1. You can use semi-automatic installation script or manual installation guide. If you want to use script, just run it and follow the instructions. If you want to install bot manually, follow the instructions below.

    Semi-automatic installation script

    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PheeZz/wireguard-bot/master/SemiAutoInstall.sh && chmod +x SemiAutoInstall.sh && ./SemiAutoInstall.sh

Manual installation guide

  1. Clone this repo and go to project folder

    git clone https://github.com/PheeZz/wireguard-bot.git && cd wireguard-bot
  2. Create your virtualenv inside project dir

    poetry shell
  3. Download required libs

    poetry install
  4. Create your database

    sudo -u postgres psql
    CREATE DATABASE <database_name>;
    CREATE USER <user_name> WITH PASSWORD '<password>';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE <database_name> TO <user_name>;
    GRANT ALL ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA "public" TO <user_name>;
  5. Create .env file in data folder and fill it with your data. You can use following example as a template or use .env.sample file (it's the same)

    cp data/.env.sample data/.env
    nano data/.env

    .env file example

    #telegram bot token
    WG_BOT_TOKEN = <str>
    #ip of your wireguard server
    WG_SERVER_IP = <str>
    #port of your wireguard server
    WG_SERVER_PORT = '51830'
    #server's public key
    #server's preshared key
    #path to wireguard config file, default /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
    WG_CFG_PATH = '/etc/wireguard/wg0.conf'
    #token for telegram invoice payments, if you don't use payments, just leave it empty (NOW IT'S NOT WORKING)
    PAYMENTS_TOKEN = <str>
    #your telegram id, you can get it from @userinfobot or @myidbot or @RawDataBot
    ADMINS_IDS = <str>
    #your bank card number, if you will use payments with "handmade" method
    PAYMENT_CARD = <str>
    #any text you want to show in the start of every peer config file (for example in case MYVPN_pheezz_PC.conf - "MYVPN" is prefix)
    CONFIGS_PREFIX = <str>
    #how much subscription costs in rubles
    #dns server for your peers, default if you don't use AdGuard Home, else
    PEER_DNS = ''
    #name of your database
    DATABASE = <str>
    #database user
    DB_USER = <str>
    #database user's password
    DB_USER_PASSWORD = <str>
    #database host, default localhost
    DB_HOST = 'localhost'
    #database port, default 5432
    DB_PORT = '5432'
  6. Configure your database tables

    Move create script from database/create.py to project root folder and run it

    mv database/create.py . && python3.10 create.py

    Now you can delete create.py file

    rm create.py
  7. Install AdGuard Home (optional)

    Firtly make installation script executable

    chmod +x AdGuardInstall.sh

    Then run it

  8. Configure AddGuard Home

    Open AddGuard Home web interface on url <your_server_ip>:3000 Do the initial setup, it's very simple, just follow the instructions and create admin account Go to Settings -> Filters -> DNS blocklists and add some blocklists (I recommend to use add all available blocklists EXCEPT No Google list)

  9. Create .service file for your bot

    Path: /etc/systemd/system/wireguard-bot.service Code: (if you using python 3.10)

     Description='Service for wireguard bot'
     ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'cd ~/wireguard-bot/ && $(poetry env info --path)/bin/python3.10 app.py'
  10. Enable service and start it

    systemctl enable wireguard-bot.service
    systemctl start wireguard-bot.service
  11. Finally, you can use your bot and enjoy it ❤️


Admin commands (available in chat with bot)

  1. /give <user_id> <days> - give user access to VPN for <days> days.
    Also you can use this command with <@username> instead of <user_id>.
    If you want to disable user's access, just use /give <user_id> -9999 or any negative number that will be higher than user's access expiration date.
    WARNING: disconnecting user will not remove his access from database, so you can give him access again later.
    Example: /give 123456789 30 - give user with id 123456789 access to VPN for 30 days.
  2. /stats - show stats about users and their access expiration dates.
    Aviable options: /stats active - show active users.
    /stats inactive - show inactive users.
    /stats without options will show all users.
    /wgrestart - restart wireguard service


  1. Rewrite subcrription checking daemon (make it parse wg0.conf file, not check by db only).
  2. Create server-to-server migration script (user configs must use domain instead of server ip)


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