Philippe Entzmann

Results 27 comments of Philippe Entzmann

I tried to get away from Transcrypt by cheating with : * pyodide (no JS transpilation yet) * typescript (better than JS but too far from python ease of use)...

@TerenceLiu98 I solved it with a different approach : I use [rclone]( to mount the S3 bucket. I start a background process with the rclone command. In my case this...

Found the described workaround.

rclone does not require the `privileged` option. A simple [rclone mount]( is enough. We also use `rclone sync` as a cheap local file cache. A good point, compared to juicefs,...

You can also patch jinja before importing secretary: ```python import jinja2 import markupsafe jinja2.Markup = markupsafe.Markup jinja2.evalcontextfilter = jinja2.pass_context import secretary ```

This issue is troublesome. We can't set reproductible dev environment with podman (or docker) since the websocket is not reachable ! @augnustin : your workaround implies a DNS entry on...

> Big up. I can describe the exact same issue. It makes `nuxi generate` fail for full static output. You can ignore errors and get a working generate output with:...

> @PhE silencing error is not a solution, it never is You're right. But it's not silenced, errors appear on the build/generate log. When part of your content is user...

In our case, we generate the app once and use it under different base url (PROD, UAT, dev, ...). We can't rely on `useRuntimeConfig().public.baseUrl` since the runtime config is freezed...