UrlShortenerBundle copied to clipboard
Undefined variable: routeElements
An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Notice: Undefined variable: routeElements in /var/www/html/Symfony/vendor/sly/url-shortener-bundle/Sly/UrlShortenerBundle/Router/Router.php line 57")
I have debugged a bit an I found that it "fails" at Router.php line 48 cause it returns false my entity Entity\Pregunta doesnt have a method getPregunta my route definition is AcmeBundle_pregunta_show: pattern: /pregunta/ver/{pregunta} defaults: { _controller: AcmeBundle:Pregunta:show }
I have used {pregunta} instead of {id} cause I think that is more readable. Should be better to look for the Entity identifier with relfection (reading Doctrine metadata) instead of looking for the "id" field in the route?
First, thank you for this feedback! I've currently no time for fix this problem or adapt the bundle to a more flexible solution.
You can contribute with forking it and make a pull request, if you want. If you don't, I'll try to do it as soon as possible.