android-kotlin-mvp-clean-architecture copied to clipboard
Clean architecture blueprint using Kotlin and MVP pattern.
Kotlin MVP Clean Architecture
Tired of searching for simple, readable and easy to start with template for your Android application?
If your answer is yes, i have a solution for you in this repository!
Sample app contains implementation of Clean architecture for Android using Kotlin, RxJava2, Dagger2 and MVP pattern.
- Clean architecture - App is divided into 3 modules. Data -> Domain -> Presentation
- MVP - Presentation layer is using model view presenter (MVP) design pattern.
- EventBus - Implementation of event bus using RxRelay.
- DataBus - Keep data in sync across various part of application.
- Networking layer - Network calls done via Retrofit.
- Persistence layer - Store data using Room.
- Stetho - Debug API calls, explore view hierarchy & storage.
- LeakCanary - Discover memory leaks.
- Timber - Log errors and pass them into your crash reporting tool (Instabug, Crashlytics etc..).
- Analytics Manager - Basic interface to track events you are interested in. Sample usage with Mixpanel.
Work in progress
- Unit Tests
- UI Tests