Petros S

Results 25 issues of Petros S

Hello, I want to propose Termoid to be in the gentoo portage tree. In order for termoid though to compile and install system-wide, a build system is needed (ie qmake,...

Hi, I am writing an ebuild for cinder to install it with Portage in Linux. Aparrently cmake doesn't generate an install target: ``` >>> Install media-libs/cinder-9999 into /tmp/portage/media-libs/cinder-9999/image * Source...

build system

Hi, I want to install `QNanoPainter` in my Gentoo/Linux and I wanted an `install` cmake target. Therefore, I created this PR. ```bash >>> Merging dev-qt/qnanopainter-9999 to / --- /usr/ ---...

Is this project going to be updated or be developed further?

Hi, I am using `FetchContent` to use `expected` as an external dependency like this: ```cmake include(FetchContent) FetchContent_Declare(tl-expected GIT_REPOSITORY ) FetchContent_GetProperties(tl-expected) if(NOT "${tl-expected_POPULATED}") FetchContent_Populate(tl-expected) add_subdirectory(${tl-expected_SOURCE_DIR} ${tl-expected_BINARY_DIR}) endif() set(tl-expected_DIR "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/_deps/tl-expected-build/") find_package(tl-expected...