vast-video-js icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vast-video-js copied to clipboard

VAST on Android default broswer

Open Granze opened this issue 11 years ago • 7 comments

I'm trying to run the plugin in the default android browser but it doesn't work. I don't get any kind of error but the ad video doesn't start.

It works fine under chrome mobile.

Granze avatar Feb 20 '13 17:02 Granze

Hi! What version of Android do you use?

I have 2.2 and 2.3. On my devices video didn't open in browser, it playing by default video player, so ... the JS don't work.

PetroFrolov avatar Feb 20 '13 20:02 PetroFrolov

Hey! My main test device is a 4.2.2 but I did some test on others 4.x without success.

Granze avatar Feb 20 '13 20:02 Granze

I've tested on Sony Xpreia with 4.0.4 and in Chroe mobile I'd seen only post-roll. Pre-roll wasn't show ( In default browser player isn't liook like video.js player (no skin), so I think that video.js don't work in it. Why? I don't know. It's too difficult to understand behavior without debuging, but default browser doesn't have developers tools

PetroFrolov avatar Feb 21 '13 11:02 PetroFrolov

yes, trying to figure out what happens in the default browser is a pain.

Thanks anyway!

Granze avatar Feb 21 '13 12:02 Granze

In our case, the problem with Android was due to "untimely" determine the duration of the video, and as a consequence of incorrect start time for putting "post-roll" Ad. Try to "catch" him when it start playing and the correct his timing.

D3adKnight avatar Jun 19 '13 13:06 D3adKnight

Hi! Yes, post-roll show before end of video because its the simplest way. It will be fixed later. Currently I am trying to rewrite plugin for the last version of VideoJS but there are some issues.

PetroFrolov avatar Jun 21 '13 04:06 PetroFrolov

No, in your algorithm all fine. Troubles in Android. It's incorrect detects 'duraton' of video (usually I have 1 sec) and then 'post-roll' plays immidiatly after video start. And then current rolls index already has max value

D3adKnight avatar Jun 23 '13 14:06 D3adKnight