vast-video-js copied to clipboard
VAST on Android default broswer
I'm trying to run the plugin in the default android browser but it doesn't work. I don't get any kind of error but the ad video doesn't start.
It works fine under chrome mobile.
Hi! What version of Android do you use?
I have 2.2 and 2.3. On my devices video didn't open in browser, it playing by default video player, so ... the JS don't work.
Hey! My main test device is a 4.2.2 but I did some test on others 4.x without success.
I've tested on Sony Xpreia with 4.0.4 and in Chroe mobile I'd seen only post-roll. Pre-roll wasn't show ( In default browser player isn't liook like video.js player (no skin), so I think that video.js don't work in it. Why? I don't know. It's too difficult to understand behavior without debuging, but default browser doesn't have developers tools
yes, trying to figure out what happens in the default browser is a pain.
Thanks anyway!
In our case, the problem with Android was due to "untimely" determine the duration of the video, and as a consequence of incorrect start time for putting "post-roll" Ad. Try to "catch" him when it start playing and the correct his timing.
Hi! Yes, post-roll show before end of video because its the simplest way. It will be fixed later. Currently I am trying to rewrite plugin for the last version of VideoJS but there are some issues.
No, in your algorithm all fine. Troubles in Android. It's incorrect detects 'duraton' of video (usually I have 1 sec) and then 'post-roll' plays immidiatly after video start. And then current rolls index already has max value