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vim-argumentative copied to clipboard

Argumentative aids with manipulating and moving between function arguments.


Argumentative aids with manipulating and moving between function arguments.

  • Shifting arguments with <, and >,
  • Moving between argument boundaries with [, and ],
  • New text objects a, and i,


If you don't have a preferred installation method, I recommend installing pathogen.vim, and then simply copy and paste:

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone git://

Once help tags have been generated, you can view the manual with :help argumentative.


Argumentative mappings can be changed from the default by simply adding mappings in your ~/.vimrc file to argumentative's <Plug> mappings.

nmap [; <Plug>Argumentative_Prev
nmap ]; <Plug>Argumentative_Next
xmap [; <Plug>Argumentative_XPrev
xmap ]; <Plug>Argumentative_XNext
nmap <; <Plug>Argumentative_MoveLeft
nmap >; <Plug>Argumentative_MoveRight
xmap i; <Plug>Argumentative_InnerTextObject
xmap a; <Plug>Argumentative_OuterTextObject
omap i; <Plug>Argumentative_OpPendingInnerTextObject
omap a; <Plug>Argumentative_OpPendingOuterTextObject