Peter Wensel

Results 27 comments of Peter Wensel

Also, I have noticed problems with my own application since SmashGGs recent update. What specifically was working/returning properly and now is not?

you used the plural form of "method", which functions specifically would you like that filter on? Also by "working" 2 weeks ago you WERE in fact, getting correct results from...

If you look at this commit made 24 days ago, this looks like it would affect what it is you're trying to do. However, if it were working 2...

sorry to bombard you with messages lol. I get a little frantic sometimes. I appreciate your feedback :)

no worries. Apologies for the problems. I wish that SmashGG's API wasn't the shit show that it is.

I would settle for migration logs lol.

Can you confirm if your still not seeing the sets? It seems that smashGG has fixed whatever changes they made from their last update. Curious to see if this has...

Okay. that makes some sense.I actually did not have time to look into this over the weekend. But I will for sure find time this weekend. Sorry for the delay.

@gatesnp It's been awhile since I've looked at this issue. If you're confident that you have a solution would you be willing to open a pull request and cover with...

@gatesnp Ah I am actually one of those people :( Perhaps we could make a second endpoint that doesn't care whether or not sets have been played or not? Does...