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Tests towards doing basic pyglet rendering tasks faster through data orientation and numpy


Data oriented programming with numpy through an Entity-Component-System model.

This project was inspired by lack luster performance of rotating a bunch of polygons in tests towards a game engine. The concept was inspired by:

Further information on Data Oriented Design:


The Allocator is the user's interface with Components, Entities and Systems.

Components are numpy arrays of the attributes that will make up Entities. They have a shape and a datatype and once given to the Allocator, they are abstracted away. ie, an RGB color Component might be:

colors = Component('color', (3,), np.float32)

Entities are "instances" defined through composition of Components. Each instance is actually just an integer (guid) that the Allocator can use to look up the instance's slice of the Components. Thus Entities are constructed by allocating values to some subset of Components in the Allocator. ie, instead of having a class with an __init__ functions, instances are created by calling allocator.add with some component values defined:

def add_regular_polygon(n_sides,radius,pos,velocity,
    pts = polyOfN(n_sides,radius)
    poly_verts = wind_vertices(pts)
    pos = position
    polygon = {
      'render_verts': [(x+pos[0],y+pos[1],pos[2]) for x,y in poly_verts],
      'color'       : [color]*len(poly_verts),
      'position'    : pos, 
      'velocity'    : velocity,
    guid = allocator.add(polygon)
    return guid

The allocator groups all the entity instances that are composed of the same Components into "entity classes" so their attributes can be accessed as continuous slices.

Systems are functions that operate on the Components entity classes.
These can be implemented through Numpy ufuncs, cython, or numba.vectorize. Thus, Systems can be fast and CPU multithreaded without multiprocessing. To apply velocity to every entity that has a velocity:

def apply_velocity(velocities,positions,dt=1./600): 
    positions *= velocities*dt

And a System to render everything that has verts and colors:

def update_display(render_verts,colors):
    gl.glClearColor(0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 1.0)
    gl.glBlendFunc (gl.GL_SRC_ALPHA, gl.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)                             
    gl.glEnable (gl.GL_BLEND)                                                            
    gl.glEnable (gl.GL_LINE_SMOOTH);                                                     

    n = len(render_verts[:])
    #TODO is awkward
    gl.glVertexPointer(3,, 0, render_verts[:]
    gl.glColorPointer(3,, 0, colors[:]
    gl.glDrawArrays(gl.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, n)

And without any convinience functions, this can be called with the appropriate sections of the render_verts and color numpy arrays by doing:

get_sections = allocator.selectors_from_component_query
draw =('render_verts','color')
sections = get_sections(draw)
update_display(*(sections[name] for name in draw))

TODO discuss Accessors which examples/ demonstrates. One can get an "instance" of an entity that allows access to the underlying arrays for a single item.


The difference between examples/ and examples/ increases with number of polygons drawn. On my Celeron 2 CPU laptop I get 250 vs 500 FPS with 150 polygons, and 30 vs 150 FPS with 1000 polygons.

In a more complete game example with pymunk running 2D physics, the original version ran at 50 FPS and the Numpy-ECS version at 150 FPS. Having pyglet treat positions and angles as write-only arrays, and rendering treat them as read-only, the components were created in shared memory and multiprocessing was used to run the physics and rendering as seperate processes. The shared
memory made up most of the inter process communication (IPC). The result was 180 FPS for the physics and 600 FPS for the rendering.



The examples directory shows the evolution of this concept: shows my best attempt at using pure python, OOP, and pyglet batches. Rotation of the polygons consumes 90% of the run time. shows that using numpy on an array has some overhead, but that the size of the array has much less of an effect on execution time than with python lists. There is a break even point in the length of data to be processed. Below this, list comprehensions are faster. Above this, numpy quickly surpasses pure Python. shows that by batching all of the rotation math into one array, there are substantial performance benefits. But it becomes cumbersome to interact with instances of the polygons once they are all thrown together. implements this same example through the ECS. The overhead from the higher level interface compared to is negligable.