PPI copied to clipboard
investigate reference scope issues
See: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=73344 https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=67842
Possibly related: https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=91274
I appear to have stumbled into an incarnation of this issue. From what I can see, the objects returned by find_first
are for some annihilated when the parent document goes out of scope. Poking around with isweak
and unweaken
didn't seem to circumvent the issue so I'd guess there's some code in PPI top level that explicitly nukes the whole tree when the document vanishes.
Ugh.... yes
local $_;
if ( $_[0]->{children} ) {
my @queue = $_[0];
while ( defined($_ = shift @queue) ) {
unshift @queue, @{delete $_->{children}} if $_->{children};
# Remove all internal/private weird crosslinking so that
# the cascading DESTROY calls will get called properly.
%$_ = ();
# Remove us from our parent node as normal
delete $_PARENT{refaddr $_[0]};
And that code has been there since before git history: https://github.com/adamkennedy/PPI/commit/7c92e6c2f4b0aec9775f6b08bcfd4fd1fa598c0a
Test that exhibits the probem:
use strict;
use warnings;
use PPI::Util qw( _Document );
my $sample = <<'EOF';
package Foo::Bar;
# Pass 1
my $result = _Document( \$sample );
isa_ok( $result, 'PPI::Document' );
my $pkg_node = $result->find_first('PPI::Statement::Package');
isa_ok( $pkg_node, 'PPI::Statement::Package' );
note explain $pkg_node;
is( $pkg_node->namespace, 'Foo::Bar', 'Extract Namespace match' );
# Pass 2
isa_ok( _Document( \$sample ), 'PPI::Document' );
my $pkg_node = _Document( \$sample )->find_first('PPI::Statement::Package');
isa_ok( $pkg_node, 'PPI::Statement::Package' );
note explain $pkg_node;
is( $pkg_node->namespace, 'Foo::Bar', 'Extract Namespace match' );
And here's an amusing case which accidentally nukes the original DOM ...
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Scalar::Util qw( unweaken );
use PPI::Util qw( _Document );
my $sample = <<'EOF';
package Foo::Bar;
my $result = _Document( \$sample );
isa_ok( $result, 'PPI::Document' );
my $pkg_node = $result->find_first('PPI::Statement::Package');
is( $pkg_node->namespace, 'Foo::Bar', 'Extract Namespace match' );
my $funbags = bless { children => [$pkg_node] }, 'PPI::Node';
is( $pkg_node->namespace, 'Foo::Bar', 'Extract Namespace match' );
is( $pkg_node->namespace, 'Foo::Bar', 'Extract Namespace match' );
wow, nice find; that's some crazy code there :)