puppet-lamp-stack copied to clipboard
Puppet/Vagrant configuration for a LAMP stack.
Vagrant/Puppet configuration for LAMP
Forked from jas0nkim/my-vagrant-puppet-lamp.
Install precise32 Vagrant box. (If not installed already)
$ vagrant box add precise32 http://files.vagrantup.com/precise32.box
Clone this repository.
Create directory "webroot" in the root directory of the clone. This will act as your root web folder.
Open up terminal, change directory to the git repo root, and start the vagrant box.
$ vagrant up
You're all set up. The webserver will now be accessible from http://localhost:8888
Package included
- apache2 - rewrite mode enabled, having virtual host with config - refer manifest/vagrant_webroot.sample
- php5
- php5-cli
- php5-mysql
- php-pear - installed packages: phpunit and its dependencies
- php5-dev
- php5-gd
- php5-mcrypt
- libapache2-mod-php5
- mysql-server
- curl
- vim
- emacs