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Migration tool for migrating content into AEM from legacy CMS tools by generating an AEM Content Package.

Groovy AEM Migration Tool

Migration tool for migrating content into AEM from legacy Content Management Systems by generating an AEM Content Package. This migration tool supports nearly any legacy CMS which can produce an XML representation of content.


To use the script:

  1. Checkout the project
  2. Copy the sample-file-mappings.csv to [configdir]/file-mappings.csv and add any direct file mappings in source,target format
  3. Copy the sample-page-mappings.csv to [configdir]/page-mappings.csv and add any page xml mappings in source,target format
  4. Copy the sample-filter.xml to filter.xml and add the filter paths
  5. Copy the sample-properties.xml to [configdir]/properties.xml and update the package name and group
  6. Copy the sample-replacement-config.json to [configdir]/replacement-config.json and add / update the replacement configuration
  7. Copy the sample-replacements.csv to [configdir]/replacements.csv and add any replacements
  8. Copy the content from legacy content export to the work/source directory
  9. Run the script with groovy migrate.groovy [configdir] [batch]


groovy migrate.groovy [config] [batch (Optional)]

The end result will be a Content Package ZIP file in the work directory.

Script Parameters

There are only two parameters which can be provided when executing the script

  • config -- This required parameter is the first parameter to the script. It should be a directory containing the configuration files for the migration run. You can create multiple configuration directories to allow you keep a history of previous migration runs.
  • batch -- This optional parameter will only process pages with the specified Batch ID from the page-mappings.csv. This will also auto-generate a filter.xml based on these paths.

Configuration Files

The following files are used to control how the script is executed:

  • file-mappings.csv -- contains a list of files which should be copied along with the page content. Can also be used to populate a list of replacements within the migrated text.
  • page-mappings.csv -- contains a list of the pages which should be migrated. Additional columns can be added and will be available in the pageData parameter in the templates. Key attributes include:
    • Status -- must be the first column. Used to exclude pages within the list from being migrated, useful when using a larger content inventory spreadsheet to inform the migration process. The status of Remove or Missing will skip a page from being migrated.
    • Batch -- batches are used to control which pages can be included in a migration with the optional Batch script parameter, they are also useful for tracking when and from where content was migrated.
    • Template -- the template to load. The templates are located in the templates folder and are loaded by name. So the template "content" would be found at "templates/content.groovy"
    • Legacy Url -- the URL for the legacy page, this can be used to generate replacements or to populate a Redirect Map Manager configuration
    • Source Path -- the path to look for the source file under the work/source directory. Should start with a slash.
    • New Path -- the new AEM repository path for the page.
    • New Url -- the migrated AEM URL. Should end in .html
  • filter.xml -- the filter.xml to be used if the batch parameter is not specified
  • properties.xml -- used to set the package version, group ID and name
  • replacement-config.json -- configures the generation of the replacement map. The minimal example shows replacing the old Paths and URLs with the new URL from the page-mappings.csv and file-mappings.csv. You can also also use regular expressions to extract the replacements by setting the mode to regex and setting the following parameters:
    • extractionPattern -- a regular expression to extract the desired value
    • sourceReplacement -- the text used for the replacement source, can use parameters from the extractionPattern
    • targetReplacement -- optional, though if not used a targetKey must be specified, the text used for the replacement target, can use parameters from the extractionPattern
  • replacements.csv -- a list of replacements to perform. Must be referenced in the replacement-config.json to use


Each template is a groovy file with a single function:

void renderPage(Map pageData, GPathResult inXml, MarkupBuilder outXml, Map replacements)

This function will be called by the migration script with:

  • pageData - a Map of data loaded from the row in the page-mappings.csv
  • inXml - The parsed source XML File
  • outXml - The .content.xml file to which to write the migrated content
  • replacements - a map of replacement strings

Additionally, a .commons.groovy is provided to handle a number of common AEM structures including components, the page metadata and performing replacements. See the templates/content.groovy template as an example. You will need to modify the path to the desired page component for the sling:resourceType when setting the page properties in the groovy template script.