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A stand-alone Swift wrapper around the libpq client library, enabling access to PostgreSQL servers.

Perfect - PostgreSQL Connector

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This project provides a Swift wrapper around the libpq client library, enabling access to PostgreSQL servers.

This package builds with Swift Package Manager and is part of the Perfect project. It was written to be stand-alone and so does not require PerfectLib or any other components.

Ensure you have installed and activated the latest Swift 4.0 tool chain.

macOS Build Notes

This package requires the Home Brew build of PostgreSQL.

To install Home Brew:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

To install postgres:

brew install postgres

Linux Build Notes

Ensure that you have installed libpq-dev.

sudo apt-get install libpq-dev


Add this project as a dependency in your Package.swift file.

.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 3)


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