Perfect-LDAP copied to clipboard
Requested: more examples
Trying to get this working, but xcode compains about all kinds of stuff, line two "No exact matches in call to instance method 'login'", and "Invalid redeclaration of 'connection()'"
` let connection = try? LDAP(url: "ldaps://") let credential = LDAP.login(binddn: "CN=judy,CN=Users,DC=perfect,DC=com", password: "0penLDAP")
connection.login(info: credential) { err in
do {
try "CN=Users,DC=perfect,DC=com", filter:"(objectclass=*)") {
}catch (let err) {
// failed for some reason
Could anyone get a complete working example of a login and asynchronous search? Preferably for swift 5.5
Login ` let credential = LDAP.Login(binddn: "user@domain", password: "ss") do { let connection = try LDAP(url: "ldaps://domain") connection.login(info: credential) { err in if (err == nil) { "DC=base,DC=example,DC=com", filter: "(sAMAccountName=testuser)") { res in print(res)
just gives [:] as result.
Seems to only allow searches when specifying an OU, without OU i get no results.
let res = try "OU=Users,DC=test,DC=example,DC=com", filter: "(&(objectclass=person)(sAMAccountName=test))", scope: .SUBTREE, attributes: ["memberOf"])