@Ahion Are you in the discord? What's your username?
Marking this bounty complete. Bounty paid.
Secret pocket? Could you describe what you mean a little more?
@dapocalypse make sure you claim bounties before you start working on them. Can you comment on this issue so I can assign you?
@dapocalypse any progress made?
@dapocalypse based on our previous conversation on this bounty, I am going to unassign you. Thanks for working on it, nevertheless!
That's a good list. A couple more I could think to add are: - what is the player's role ("You are a chef. Here's how to play the role:") -...
> 5. Is there a list of antagonising behaviour anywhere? > * Should it just be a trigger for that whole category, or should individual actions be selectable when making...
There is a hotkey for using an item in your active hand. It's Z.
what objects previously functioned that no longer do?