Il2CppDumper copied to clipboard
IDA python script syntax errors
Il2CppDumper version: 6.7.40
Describe the issue When importing with into IDA 7.5 or IDA 7.7 these syntax errors get thrown:
Syntax error near: return
Syntax error near: }
Syntax error near: ReturnOptions_Fields
Syntax error near: }
Syntax error near: return
Syntax error near: }
Syntax error near: ReturnWwiseObjects_Fields
Syntax error near: }
Syntax error near: return
Syntax error near: }
Syntax error near: ReturnWwiseObjects_T__Fields
Syntax error near: }
apply_type failed: 0x181576c00 uint64_t UnityEngine_InputSystem_Utilities_PrimitiveValue__ToUInt64 (UnityEngine_InputSystem_Utilities_PrimitiveValue_o __this, System_IFormatProvider_o* provider, const MethodInfo* method);
Syntax error near: ReturnOptions_o
Syntax error near: ReturnWwiseObjects_o
Syntax error near: ReturnWwiseObjects_T__o
Script finished!
- Upload executable file and global-metadata.dat Files
You found a solution?
The issue for me is that a few lines before the error message, IDA didn't like float _near
and float _far
, so I renamed _far and _near to something else in the il2cpp.h file, and then it worked for me.