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why my sql cannot push down
PostgreSQL 11 OS: Centos 7.6 postgres# explain (analyze,verbose) select count(year) from ontime; QUERY PLAN Aggregate (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=31441.737..31441.737 rows=1 loops=1) Output: count(year) -> Foreign Scan on public.ontime (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=0 width=4) (actual time=13.313..30108.858 rows=17189046 loops=1) Output: year, quarter, month, dayofmonth, dayofweek, flightdate, uniquecarrier, airlineid, carrier, tailnum, flightnum, originairportid, originairportseqid, origincitymarketid, origin, origincityname, originstate, originstatefips, originstatename, o riginwac, destairportid, destairportseqid, destcitymarketid, dest, destcityname, deststate, deststatefips, deststatename, destwac , crsdeptime, deptime, depdelay, depdelayminutes, depdel15, departuredelaygroups, deptimeblk, taxiout, wheelsoff, wheelson, taxii n, crsarrtime, arrtime, arrdelay, arrdelayminutes, arrdel15, arrivaldelaygroups, arrtimeblk, cancelled, cancellationcode, diverte d, crselapsedtime, actualelapsedtime, airtime, flights, distance, distancegroup, carrierdelay, weatherdelay, nasdelay, securityde lay, lateaircraftdelay, firstdeptime, totaladdgtime, longestaddgtime, divairportlandings, divreacheddest, divactualelapsedtime, d ivarrdelay, divdistance, div1airport, div1airportid, div1airportseqid, div1wheelson, div1totalgtime, div1longestgtime, div1wheels off, div1tailnum, div2airport, div2airportid, div2airportseqid, div2wheelson, div2totalgtime, div2longestgtime, div2wheelsoff, di v2tailnum, div3airport, div3airportid, div3airportseqid, div3wheelson, div3totalgtime, div3longestgtime, div3wheelsoff, div3tailn um, div4airport, div4airportid, div4airportseqid, div4wheelson, div4totalgtime, div4longestgtime, div4wheelsoff, div4tailnum, div 5airport, div5airportid, div5airportseqid, div5wheelson, div5totalgtime, div5longestgtime, div5wheelsoff, div5tailnum Remote SQL: SELECT year FROM “default”.ontime Planning Time: 0.111 ms Execution Time: 31441.813 ms (7 rows) Time: 31442.579 ms (00:31.443)
You need to set a parameter to support aggregate push down and join push down #alter system set clickhousedb_fdw.join_pushdown_safe=on; #select pg_reload_conf();