David Thompson
David Thompson
Hi Mads, Thanks for the stream! As discussed consider using the following regex to test for the existence of system reserved names in directory names. @"^(?!^(PRN|AUX|CLOCK\$|NUL|CON|COM\d|LPT\d|\..*)(\..+)?$)[^\x00-\x1f\\?*:\"";|/]+$";
This PR creates fonts as resources and references them as a StaticResource where they are used within styles
Fixes issue #2 referencing defined colours as StaticResources
Fixes issue #1 all spaces in asset names are removed Also fixes issues #6 and issue #7 by moving the value to the inner text of the html for text...
This replaces the RectangleSpatialIndex for all frameworks apart from net45 and net46 as NetTopologySuite does not support them. Unsupported frameworks fall back to the previous implementation
No view found for id 0x9 (unknown) for fragment FragmentContainer
https://github.com/dotnet-architecture/eShopOnContainers/blob/06d5164532902a076813894c965d6c99122d39f2/src/Services/Identity/Identity.API/Identity.API.csproj#L12 Is this explicit reference required? It’s an implicit dependency of Duende.IdentityServer.EntityFramework
close the popup if it's open when the back key is pressed