Paul Sweeney

Results 78 comments of Paul Sweeney

Seems like is the way to go for this one. Wouldn't be opposed to adding this option.

Hey @wighawag! I'm a bit confused, can you describe your folder structure? Not sure I understand where the ```rollup.config.js``` file is and the ```test``` directory.

That would definitely cause issues. Nollup assumes that at all directories for watching (regardless of include or exclude) are under the current working directory provided by ```process.cwd()```. It passes this...

The ```watch``` param there is legacy and shouldn't be trusted at all (hence not documented, also likely broken due to the below). The official approach at the moment is with...

Relevant issue:

Thanks for the info @bhallstein! This is probably worth revisiting as I'm sure quite a bit has changed in the meantime since this issue was first raised. Been a bit...

Some research notes: So having a look into this, I replicated the type of folder structure you have above, and I can observe that Rollup does indeed watch imported files...

@bhallstein Does this branch support your use case?

Hey @MartinSherburn, thanks for the question! The problem with generating a single source map isn't a technical constraint, but rather a performance one. Generating a single source map for an...

The problem there is that generating a full bundle again is needed. The assumption being made there is that HMR will always be perfect and be used everywhere, and while...