PathFollower copied to clipboard
Gamedata update ?
Hello, I guess the extension need gamedata update for the newest TF2 update... Thank you !
L 04/23/2024 - 18:28:20: [PATHFOLLOWER] Found "CBaseEntity::GetAbsOrigin" @ 0x6c03b4e0
L 04/23/2024 - 18:28:20: [PATHFOLLOWER] Failed to locate memory address based on signature for "ChasePath::RefreshPath"!
L 04/23/2024 - 18:28:20: [PATHFOLLOWER] Failed to locate memory address based on signature for "ChasePath::RefreshPath"!
L 04/23/2024 - 18:28:20: [PATHFOLLOWER] Found "TheNavMesh" @ 0x0d00d800
L 04/23/2024 - 18:28:20: [PATHFOLLOWER] Failed to locate memory address based on signature for "PathFollower::PathFollower [C1]"!
L 04/23/2024 - 18:28:20: [PATHFOLLOWER] Failed to locate memory address based on signature for "ILocomotion::IsPotentiallyTraversable"!
L 04/23/2024 - 18:28:20: [PATHFOLLOWER] Failed to locate memory address based on signature for "ILocomotion::HasPotentialGap"!
L 04/23/2024 - 18:28:20: [PATHFOLLOWER] Found "ILocomotion::IsGap" @ 0x6c311510
L 04/23/2024 - 18:28:20: [PATHFOLLOWER] Found "CTFBotLocomotion::IsAreaTraversable" @ 0x6c452a20
L 04/23/2024 - 18:28:20: [PATHFOLLOWER] Failed to locate memory address based on signature for "TheNextBots"!
L 04/23/2024 - 18:28:20: [PATHFOLLOWER] Failed to locate memory address based on signature for "NextBotManager::Register"!
L 04/23/2024 - 18:28:20: [PATHFOLLOWER] Failed to locate memory address based on signature for "NextBotManager::UnRegister"!
L 04/23/2024 - 18:28:20: [PATHFOLLOWER] Failed to locate memory address based on signature for "CNavMesh::GetNavArea [Vec]"!
L 04/23/2024 - 18:28:20: [PATHFOLLOWER] Failed to locate memory address based on signature for "CNavMesh::GetNearestNavArea [Vec]"!
L 04/23/2024 - 18:28:20: [PATHFOLLOWER] Found "CBaseEntity::MyCombatCharacterPointer"
L 04/23/2024 - 18:28:20: [PATHFOLLOWER] Found "CBaseCombatCharacter::UpdateLastKnownArea"
L 04/23/2024 - 18:28:20: [PATHFOLLOWER] Found "CBaseCombatCharacter::GetLastKnownArea"
L 04/23/2024 - 18:28:20: [SM] Unable to load extension "PathFollower.ext": Unknown error
Try these:
windows: \x55\x8B\xEC\x83\xEC\x30\x53\x56\x57\x33\xD2
linux: @_ZN9ChasePath11RefreshPathEP8INextBotP11CBaseEntityRK9IPathCostP6Vector
windows: \x55\x8B\xEC\xE8\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x8B\xD0\xA1\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x8B\x08\x8B\x01\x85\xD2\x75\x2A\xFF\x75\x2A\xFF\x50
linux: @_ZN12PathFollowerC1Ev
windows: \x53\x8B\xDC\x83\xEC\x08\x83\xE4\xF0\x83\xC4\x04\x55\x8B\x6B\x2A\x89\x6C\x24\x2A\x8B\xEC\x81\xEC\x08\x01\x00\x00\x56\x57\x33\xD2
linux: @_ZNK11ILocomotion24IsPotentiallyTraversableERK6VectorS2_NS_16TraverseWhenTypeEPf
windows: \x53\x8B\xDC\x83\xEC\x08\x83\xE4\xF0\x83\xC4\x04\x55\x8B\x6B\x2A\x89\x6C\x24\x2A\x8B\xEC\x83\xEC\x68\x56\x8B\xF1
linux: @_ZNK11ILocomotion15HasPotentialGapERK6VectorS2_Pf
windows: \xA1\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x85\xC0\x0F\x85\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\xA1
linux: @_Z11TheNextBotsv
windows: \x55\x8B\xEC\x83\xEC\x34\x53\x56\x33\xD2
linux: @_ZNK8CNavMesh10GetNavAreaERK6Vectorf
windows: \x53\x8B\xDC\x83\xEC\x08\x83\xE4\xF0\x83\xC4\x04\x55\x8B\x6B\x2A\x89\x6C\x24\x2A\x8B\xEC\x81\xEC\x68\x01\x00\x00\x8B\x15\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A
linux: @_ZNK8CNavMesh17GetNearestNavAreaERK6Vectorbfbbi
Hello, thank you they seem to work ! Just missing NextBotManager::Register and NextBotManager::UnRegister for the extension to load.
Thank you again !
L 04/27/2024 - 15:22:53: [PATHFOLLOWER] Found "CBaseEntity::GetAbsOrigin" @ 0x6c03b4e0
L 04/27/2024 - 15:22:53: [PATHFOLLOWER] Found "Path::Compute<IPathCost> [goal]" @ 0x6c4567b0
L 04/27/2024 - 15:22:53: [PATHFOLLOWER] Found "Path::Compute<IPathCost> [subject]" @ 0x6c456ad0
L 04/27/2024 - 15:22:53: [PATHFOLLOWER] Found "TheNavMesh" @ 0x0ccad800
L 04/27/2024 - 15:22:53: [PATHFOLLOWER] Found "PathFollower::PathFollower [C1]" @ 0x6c187a60
L 04/27/2024 - 15:22:53: [PATHFOLLOWER] Found "ILocomotion::IsPotentiallyTraversable" @ 0x6c311730
L 04/27/2024 - 15:22:53: [PATHFOLLOWER] Found "ILocomotion::HasPotentialGap" @ 0x6c30f7c0
L 04/27/2024 - 15:22:53: [PATHFOLLOWER] Found "ILocomotion::IsGap" @ 0x6c311510
L 04/27/2024 - 15:22:53: [PATHFOLLOWER] Found "CTFBotLocomotion::IsAreaTraversable" @ 0x6c452a20
L 04/27/2024 - 15:22:53: [PATHFOLLOWER] Found "TheNextBots" @ 0x6c3031b0
L 04/27/2024 - 15:22:53: [PATHFOLLOWER] Failed to locate memory address based on signature for "NextBotManager::Register"!
L 04/27/2024 - 15:22:53: [PATHFOLLOWER] Failed to locate memory address based on signature for "NextBotManager::UnRegister"!
L 04/27/2024 - 15:22:53: [PATHFOLLOWER] Found "CNavMesh::GetNavArea [Vec]" @ 0x6c2f63d0
L 04/27/2024 - 15:22:53: [PATHFOLLOWER] Found "CNavMesh::GetNearestNavArea [Vec]" @ 0x6c2f69c0
L 04/27/2024 - 15:22:53: [PATHFOLLOWER] Found "CBaseEntity::MyCombatCharacterPointer"
L 04/27/2024 - 15:22:53: [PATHFOLLOWER] Found "CBaseCombatCharacter::UpdateLastKnownArea"
L 04/27/2024 - 15:22:53: [PATHFOLLOWER] Found "CBaseCombatCharacter::GetLastKnownArea"
L 04/27/2024 - 15:22:53: [SM] Unable to load extension "PathFollower.ext": Unknown error
I cannot for the life of me figure out where these functions are located. I can give a bunch of signatures I believe may be it, but at that point it's just a guessing game.
Well we can still try if you wish ! If not it's alright :)
After a bit of learning and comparing with a old server.dll, I found the signature for the two missing, the extension now seems to load correctly, but when I try with a plugin (TFBot Engineer support for all maps or TFBot sd_doomsday Support) it's just crash the server... Maybe there is more to it than just a gamedata update...
- "NextBotManager::Register" "\x55\x8B\xEC\x56\x57\x8D\x71\x08"
- "NextBotManager::UnRegister" "\x55\x8B\xEC\x51\x53\x8B\x5D\x08\x8B\xC1\x56\x57\x89\x45\xFC"
After a bit of learning and comparing with a old server.dll, I found the signature for the two missing, the extension now seems to load correctly, but when I try with a plugin (TFBot Engineer support for all maps or TFBot sd_doomsday Support) it's just crash the server... Maybe there is more to it than just a gamedata update...
- "NextBotManager::Register" "\x55\x8B\xEC\x56\x57\x8D\x71\x08"
- "NextBotManager::UnRegister" "\x55\x8B\xEC\x51\x53\x8B\x5D\x08\x8B\xC1\x56\x57\x89\x45\xFC"
Was the crash like directly caused by it in a crash dump?
Well, I'm not sure from what I checked with an Accelerator crash dump... I just tested it with the two plugin independently and always crashes after the server started to load some bots. I can share the crash dump here:
Well, I'm not sure from what I checked with an Accelerator crash dump... I just tested it with the two plugin independently and always crashes after the server started to load some bots. I can share the crash dump here:
Well I can't see much from that but I'll take your word for it. It's possible bytes need to be changed again, but I'll have to see how this performs later.
Well we can still try if you wish ! If not it's alright :)
These were the signatures I tried to find for NextBotManager::Register, but I'm not sure if any of them are correct.
Just tried them all, the extension seem to load fine with all of them, but do the same as with my signature, crash after loading a bot that need the extension...