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A boilerplate for making phaser 3 projects with Webpack and Cordova


A template boilerplate for making phaser 3 projects (could be other projects) and build them for android and ios (or browser) using Webpack and Cordova.



  • Node.js
  • Cordova (can be installed with npm install -g cordova)
  • Optional, but recommended - Yarn

Getting Started

Installation steps to set this template up and running.


Clone repo (and specify folder name)

git clone PROJECT_NAME

Navigate in folder


Remove git

rm -rf .git

Optional init own

git init

Install dependecies


Available scripts

Start development server

yarn serve

On desktop visit http://localhost:8080 to open the project. In order to visit the project on another device (phone, ipad, etc.) you wil have to get the public ip address of your machine first. You can do this by running the following command (in new terminal):


yarn get-ip

Execute ifconfig if this doesn't work and find it there.



Find your IPv4 address.

Now you can visit this ip address in the browser on your external device followed by the :PORT. (ex.

Make sure your devices are on the same network.

Build the app

This will put the builded files in the www folder (used by Cordova)

yarn build


First update the config.xml to your preferences. (name, description, ...)

In this example I will use android as example. Change android to ios for iOS build.

Make sure you ran yarn build at least once so that the www folder is present.

Add prefered platform

cordova platform add android

Run app

cordova run android

This command will run an emalator on your machine if you have installed Android studio (Android) or XCode (iOS). If your device is connected to your machine with a cable it should open there.

NOTE: There is no live/hot reload with the cordova run command. Use yarn serve instead to test on your device.


cordova build android

Build release

cordova build --release android