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EVM compatible Dapp built with React/Truffle/Chainlink-VRF2 => Flip a coin to double your ETH!

CoinFlip - Double up your ETH!

Stargazers Issues MIT License LinkedIn Netlify Status


  • 2022/07 - Switch to Chainlink VRF v2 & Update solidity compiler version to 0.8.7;
  • 2022/12 - Switch to Goerli network v2 & upgrade all deps & Update solc to 0.8.16;


Decentralized application (Dapp), EVM compatible, built as a part of the programming course: Ethereum201 on

Try it yourself:


Built With

  • React
  • web3.js
  • solidity
  • chainlink
  • truffle
  • ganache

Getting Started


Make sure you have the following ready:

  • yarn installed
  • Truffle installed globally via npm install -g truffle (developped on v5.4.17).
  • Run a local blockchain via Ganache, or Ganache-cli, or register on to deploy on an Ethereum network.
  • MetaMask installed in your browser
  • Cloned the repo via git clone

Smart-Contracts Deployment

In your terminal, make sure you are in the COINFLIP_2.0 repo, and type:

yarn install

To deploy your smart-contracts:

truffle migrate --network <<network name here>>

So for Goerli, type:

truffle migrate --network goerli
  • Replace the contract address in src/constants.js
  • Replace the abi file in src/abis/coinFlip.js
  • Make sure to fund the contract with some ETH ( Faucet for the Goerli network )

Config & Client

Before each deploy, make sure to:

  • Change the COINFLIP_ADDRESS in /src/constants.js to your deployed contracts address;
  • Copy the new abi file into the src/abis folder if you've made any changes to the contracts;
  • Enable/disable, and update the suitable networks in truffle-config.js;
  • In the blockchain/ repo, create a file called .secret and paste your mnemonic seed phrase inside; (Make sure you add this file in your .gitignore!!!)



You are now set to start your local server. Make sure you're still in COINFLIP 2.0 and type: yarn start

# Enjoy!!!

⭐️ ... and don't forget to leave a star if you like it! ⭐️

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