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Demo project using SEPA Message validation library from

Payment Components

SEPA Message Validator Demo

This project is part of the FINaplo product and is here to demonstrate how our SDK for SEPA Messages Validation works. For our demonstration we are going to use the demo SDK which can parse/validate/generate a pacs.002.001.XX message.

It's a simple maven project, you can download it and run it, with Java 1.8 or above.

SDK setup

Incorporate the SDK jar into your project by the regular IDE means. This process will vary depending upon your specific IDE and you should consult your documentation on how to deploy a bean. For example in Eclipse all that needs to be done is to import the jar files into a project. Alternatively, you can import it as a Maven or Gradle dependency.


Define repository in the repositories section


Import the SDK


Define repository in the repositories section

repositories {
    maven {
        url ""

Import the SDK

implementation 'gr.datamation:sepa-core-jaxb:22.4.1:demo@jar'

In case you purchase the SDK you will be given a protected Maven repository with a user name and a password. You can configure your project to download the SDK from there.

HOW-TO Use our SDK


There are many variations of SEPA xsd files and the following are supported by our SDK.
This demo contains the eba version of pacs.002.001.03.

  • eba - European Banking Authority
  • epc - European Payment Council
  • dias - DIAS Interbanking System
  • sibs - SIBS International
  • p27 - Nordic Payments

All SEPA messages are identified by a code id and a name. The code id (FIToFIPmtStsRptS2) and the name (FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV03) are located in the .xsd file that describes the XML schema of each message.
Both the name and the code id of the message are available in the SEPA messages catalogue.

Inside pacs.002.001.03S2.xsd

<xs:complexType name="Document">
        <xs:element name="FIToFIPmtStsRptS2" type="FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV03"/>

Message objects

For every SEPA message there is an equivalent class in our SDK. The name of the class is equivalent to the name of the message. For example the name of the class for the message named FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 is FIToFIPaymentStatusReport.

Object Name XSD Package
FIToFIPaymentStatusReport FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 pacs.002.001.03S2 eba

Building and validating messages

There are three steps the user must follow in order to build a new SEPA message:

  1. Initialize the class corresponding to the message.

    The initialization of the class is as simple as initializing any class in Java. For the example message we are using here (FIToFIPaymentStatusReport) the initialization would be

    FIToFIPaymentStatusReport message = new FIToFIPaymentStatusReport();

    The above command will initialize a class for this message named FIToFIPaymentStatusReport which is initially empty.

    Parsing a file

    // using File object as parameter
    message.parseAndValidate(new File("/path/to/pacs.002.001.03S2.xml"));
    // or using just the path as parameter
    // or using path and encoding
    message.parseAndValidate("/path/to/pacs.002.001.03S2.xml", "UTF-8"); 

    Parsing a text

    message.parseAndValidateString("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" +
                     "<Document xmlns=\"urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pacs.002.001.03S2\">\n" +
                     "  <FIToFIPmtStsRptS2>\n" +
                     "     ............\n" +
                     "  </FIToFIPmtStsRptS2>\n" +
  2. Add data to the class.

    The next step is to add data to the new message. In order to add some data to the message, user must know which element in the message tree he wants to add. The element he wants to add is identified by an XML path. The value of the element user wants to add may be a String, a Boolean or a complex type that is described in the SEPA type catalog.

    So to enter some data into the message, user must call the following method of the previously instantiated object where the path argument is a String identifying the element to add and the value argument is an Object.

    message.setElement("path/to/field", "value");

    Every path of all SEPA messages starts with /Document/MessageObjectName and so we integrated this prefix in every message in order to make the method simpler. In other words the paths must be entererd without the prefix, /GrpHdr instead of /Document/FIToFIPmtStsRptS2/GrpHdr

    User can also work with the XSD defined classes that represent a tag. e.g. S2SCTGroupHeader37 for GrpHdr tag.

    message.getRootMessage().setGrpHdr(new S2SCTGroupHeader37()); // setGrpHdr() method accepts gr.datamation.sepa.types.eba.pacs002.S2SCTGroupHeader37 objects
  3. Validate the message.

    After building a SEPA message using the appropriate class, user may want to validate this message. Of course validation is not mandatory but is the only way to prove that the message is correct.

    Validation is performed automatically after message parsing (using parseAndValidate() method) or by calling the validate() method. This is internally a two step process:

    • Validation against the schema of the message in order to ensure that the message is a well-formed instance of it.
    • Validation against any Validation Rule as described for that message by the SEPA rules.

    The validate() method fills the message variable errors object with any issue found during validation.

    messageObject.hasValidationErrors(); // boolean response for checking if any errors occured
    List<String> errors = message.getErrors() // get the list of the message's errors  
  4. Extracting data from the message.

    Another matter is to access the data of the message. In order to do this, user must select which element in the message tree he wants to access. So to extract some data off the message, user must call the following method of the previously instantiated object where the path argument is a String identifying the element.

    Object data = message.getElement("/GrpHdr"); // message.getElement("path/to/field");

    User can also work with the XSD defined classes that represent a tag. e.g. S2SCTGroupHeader37 for GrpHdr tag.

    S2SCTGroupHeader37 data = message.getRootMessage().getGrpHdr(); // getGrpHdr() method returns gr.datamation.sepa.types.eba.pacs002.S2SCTGroupHeader37 object

Code Samples

In this project you can see code for all the basic manipulation of an SEPA message, like:

  • Parse a valid file pacs.002
  • Parse a valid text pacs.002
  • Parse an invalid pacs.002 and get the syntax and network validations errors
  • Build a valid pacs.002

More features are included in the paid version like

  • Support for all available messages

  • Resolve Transactions

    In addition to the getElement methods, the resolveTransaction() or resolveTransactions() methods can be used to greatly simplify the parsing of messages. The following uses a FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer (pacs.008.001.02) message as an example. These methods return vectors of vectors of LeafInfo objects. LeafInfo objects have 3 fields:

    Node Leaf field Example
    0 fieldPath /CdtTrfTxInf/PmtId
    1 fieldCd InstrId
    2 value DEUTDE0920000891
  • Building Reply Messages

    The Reply Message (R-Transactions, RT) is a SEPA message that is used to provide an automatic response to a message. An RT can be constructed and modified according to the following instructions. This feature is designed to simplify the creation of an RT since it can be automatically constructed by following the specification of the initiating message. The construction of the RT is defined by an internal mechanism whose prime purpose is to:

    1. Transfer "common" data blocks (or reusable information) from the original message to the RT.
    2. Create the required message blocks depending on whether the RT message applies to all the transactions of the original message or not.

    The resulting RT contains all the "reusable" data extracted from the initial message and only requires the addition of any further necessary data to complete the creation of the RT. Note that: until all mandatory data has been added, the RT object will not be able to produce a valid message.

    The construction of an RT is implemented in the class of the respective SEPA message, via the autoReply(CoreMessage, List<MsgReplyInfo>) method. The first parameter specifies the return type of the RT (since an existing message could have more than one possible response types, RT Message Support List). The second parameter specifies the necessary information to build the RT message using our MsgReplyInfo object.
    For example, assuming that:

    • the variable named pacs008message holds a valid FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer message (pacs.008.001.02).
    • the variable named pacs004message with an empty PaymentReturn message (pacs.004.001.02) which is one of the possible replies of the FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer message
    • the RT does not refer to all transactions declared in the FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer.

    Then, the calling of the autoReply method using the following code will return a PaymentReturn object.

    PaymentReturn pacs004message = new PaymentReturn();
    Vector<MsgReplyInfo> msgReplyInfo = new Vector<MsgReplyInfo>(); 
    msgReplyInfo.add(new MsgReplyInfo("TXID", new ReasonCode(ReasonCode.CD, "AC01", null, null), MsgReplyInfo.MSGID_BASED, "RETURNID", "", new Date()));
    pacs004message = pacs008message.autoReply(pacs004message, msgReplyInfo);
  • SEPA Instant

    For available SEPA Instant messages please advice this table.
    For available SEPA Instant RT messages please advice this table.

  • P27

    For available P27 messages please advice this table.
    For available P27 RT messages please advice this table.

Message Appendix

Message Name Msg ID Schema ID
FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer FIToFICstmrCdtTrf pacs.008.001.02
FIToFIPaymentStatusReport FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 pacs.002.001.03S2
PaymentReturn PmtRtr pacs.004.001.02
FIToFIPaymentInstantStatusInquiryForInvestigation FIToFIPmtStsReq pacs.028.001.01
CustomerCreditTransferInitiation CstmrCdtTrfInitn pain.001.001.03
CustomerPaymentStatusReport CstmrPmtStsRpt pain.002.001.03
ClaimNonReceipt ClmNonRct camt.027.001.06
ResolutionOfInvestigation RsltnOfInvstgtn camt.029.001.03
ResolutionOfInvestigation08 RsltnOfInvstgtn camt.029.001.08
BankToCustomerStatementV4 BkToCstmrStmt camt.053.001.04
BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV2 BkToCstmrDbtCdtNtfctn camt.054.001.02
BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotificationV3 BkToCstmrDbtCdtNtfctn camt.054.001.03
RequestToModifyPayment ReqToModfyPmt camt.087.001.05
FIToFIPaymentCancellationRequest FIToFIPmtCxlReq camt.056.001.01
SCTCcfBulkCreditTransfer SCTCcfBlkCredTrf SCTCcfBlkCredTrf
SCTCvfBulkCreditTransfer SCTCvfBlkCredTrf SCTCvfBlkCredTrf
SCTIcfBulkCreditTransfer SCTIcfBlkCredTrf SCTIcfBlkCredTrf
SCTIqfBulkCreditTransfer SCTIqfBlkCredTrf SCTIqfBlkCredTrf
SCTScfBulkCreditTransfer SCTScfBlkCredTrf SCTScfBlkCredTrf
SCTOqfBulkCreditTransfer SCTOqfBlkCredTrf SCTOqfBlkCredTrf
SCTQvfBulkCreditTransfer SCTQvfBlkCredTrf SCTQvfBlkCredTrf
SCTPcfBulkCreditTransfer SCTPcfBlkCredTrf SCTPcfBlkCredTrf
Message Name Msg ID Schema ID
PaymentStatusReport FIToFIPmtStsRpt pacs.002.001.03
PaymentReturn PmtRtr pacs.004.001.02
FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer FIToFICstmrCdtTrf pacs.008.001.02
FIToFIPaymentInstantStatusInquiryForInvestigation FIToFIPmtStsReq pacs.028.001.01
ClaimNonReceipt ClmNonRct camt.027.001.06
ResolutionOfInvestigation RsltnOfInvstgtn camt.029.001.03
ResolutionOfInvestigation08 RsltnOfInvstgtn camt.029.001.08
FIToFIPaymentCancellationRequest FIToFIPmtCxlReq camt.056.001.01
RequestToModifyPayment ReqToModfyPmt camt.087.001.05
Message Name Msg ID Schema ID
ClaimNonReceipt ClmNonRct camt.027.001.06
ResolutionOfInvestigation RsltnOfInvstgtn camt.029.001.03
ResolutionOfInvestigation08 RsltnOfInvstgtn camt.029.001.08
FIToFIPaymentCancellationRequest FIToFIPmtCxlReq camt.056.001.01
RequestToModifyPayment ReqToModfyPmt camt.087.001.05
FIToFIPaymentStatusReport FIToFIPmtStsRpt pacs.002.001.03
PaymentReturn PmtRtr pacs.004.001.02
FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer FIToFICstmrCdtTrf pacs.008.001.02
FIToFIPaymentStatusRequest FIToFIPmtStsReq pacs.028.001.01
DCTBulkCreditTransfer DIASFileHdr DIASSCTFH
Message Name Msg ID Schema ID
ClaimNonReceipt ClmNonRct camtx.027.001.06
ResolutionOfInvestigation RsltnOfInvstgtn camtx.029.001.03
ResolutionOfInvestigation08 RsltnOfInvstgtn camtx.029.001.08
FIToFIPaymentCancellationRequest FIToFIPmtCxlReq camtx.056.001.01
RequestToModifyPayment ReqToModfyPmt camtx.087.001.05
FIToFIPaymentStatusReport FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 pacsx.002.001.03S2
PaymentReturn PmtRtr pacsx.004.001.02
FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer FIToFICstmrCdtTrf pacsx.008.001.02
FIToFIPaymentInstantStatusInquiryForInvestigation FIToFIPmtStsReq pacsx.028.001.01
SCTCcxBulkCreditTransfer SCTCcfBlkCredTrf SCTCcxBlkCredTrf
SCTCvxBulkCreditTransfer SCTCvfBlkCredTrf SCTCvxBlkCredTrf
SCTIcxBulkCreditTransfer SCTIcfBlkCredTrf SCTIcxBlkCredTrf
SCTScxBulkCreditTransfer SCTScfBlkCredTrf SCTScxBlkCredTrf
SCTIqxBulkCreditTransfer SCTIqfBlkCredTrf SCTIqxBlkCredTrf
SCTOqxBulkCreditTransfer SCTOqfBlkCredTrf SCTOqxBlkCredTrf
SCTQvxBulkCreditTransfer SCTQvfBlkCredTrf SCTQvxBlkCredTrf
Message Name Msg ID Schema ID
FIToFIPaymentCancellationRequest FIToFIPmtCxlReq camt.056.001.01
FIToFIPaymentStatusReport FIToFIPmtStsRpt pacs.002.001.03
FIToFICustomerDirectDebit FIToFICstmrDrctDbt pacs.003.001.02
PaymentReturn PmtRtr pacs.004.001.02
FIToFIPaymentReversal FIToFIPmtRvsl pacs.007.001.02
Message Name Msg ID Schema ID
FIToFIPaymentStatusReport FIToFIPmtStsRpt pacs.002.001.03
FIToFICustomerDirectDebit FIToFICstmrDrctDbt pacs.003.001.02
PaymentReturn PmtRtr pacs.004.001.02
FIToFIPaymentReversal FIToFIPmtRvsl pacs.007.001.02
CustomerDirectDebitInitiation CstmrDrctDbtInitn pain.008.001.02
Message Name Msg ID Schema ID
FIToFIPaymentCancellationRequest FIToFIPmtCxlReq camt.056.001.01
FIToFICustomerDirectDebit FIToFICstmrDrctDbt pacs.003.001.02
FIToFIPaymentReversal FIToFIPmtRvsl pacs.007.001.02
FIToFIPaymentStatusReport FIToFIPmtStsRpt pacs.002.001.03
FIToFIPaymentStatusReportS2 FIToFIPmtStsRpt pacs.002.001.03S2
PaymentReturn PmtRtr pacs.004.001.02
MPEDDCdxBulkDirectDebit MPEDDCdxBlkDirDeb MPEDDCdxBlkDirDeb
MPEDDDnxBulkDirectDebit MPEDDDnxBlkDirDeb MPEDDDnxBlkDirDeb
MPEDDDrxBulkDirectDebit MPEDDDrxBlkDirDeb MPEDDDrxBlkDirDeb
MPEDDDvxBulkDirectDebit MPEDDDvfBlkDirDeb MPEDDDvxBlkDirDeb
MPEDDIdxBulkDirectDebit MPEDDIdxBlkDirDeb MPEDDIdxBlkDirDeb
MPEDDIrxBulkDirectDebit MPEDDIrxBlkDirDeb MPEDDIrxBlkDirDeb
MPEDDRsxBulkDirectDebit MPEDDRsfBlkDirDeb MPEDDRsxBlkDirDeb
MPEDDSdxBulkDirectDebit MPEDDSdfBlkDirDeb MPEDDSdxBlkDirDeb
Message Name Msg ID Schema ID EpcType Enumeration
FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer FIToFICstmrCdtTrf pacs.008.001.02 CREDIT_TRANSFER
FIToFIPaymentStatusReport FIToFIPmtStsRpt pacs.002.001.03 NEGATIVE
PaymentReturn PmtRtr pacs.004.001.02 POSITIVE_RESPONSE_TO_RECALL
FIToFIPaymentCancellationRequest FIToFIPmtCxlReq camt.056.001.01 REQUEST_FOR_RECALL
ResolutionOfInvestigation RsltnOfInvstgtn camt.029.001.03 NEGATIVE_RESPONSE_TO_RECALL
Message Name Msg ID Schema ID
FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer FIToFICstmrCdtTrf pacs.008.001.02
FIToFIPaymentStatusReport FIToFIPmtStsRpt pacs.002.001.03
PaymentReturn PmtRtr pacs.004.001.02
FIToFIPaymentCancellationRequest FIToFIPmtCxlReq camt.056.001.01
ResolutionOfInvestigation RsltnOfInvstgtn camt.029.001.03
ResolutionOfInvestigation08 RsltnOfInvstgtn camt.029.001.08
RequestToModifyPayment ReqToModfyPmt camt.087.001.05
ClaimNonReceipt ClmNonRct camt.027.001.06

RT Message Support List

FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer (pacs.008.001.02) autoReply return objects
Message Name Schema ID Variations support
PaymentReturn pacs.004.001.02 eba, epc, sibs, dias, epc-instant, p27
FIToFIPaymentInstantStatusInquiryForInvestigation pacs.028.001.01 eba, epc, sibs, dias, epc-instant
ClaimNonReceipt camt.027.001.06 eba, epc, sibs, dias, p27
ResolutionOfInvestigation camt.029.001.03 eba, epc, sibs, dias, epc-instant, p27
ResolutionOfInvestigation08 camt.029.001.08 eba, epc, sibs, dias , p27
FIToFIPaymentCancellationRequest camt.056.001.01 eba, epc, sibs, dias, epc-instant, p27
RequestToModifyPayment camt.087.001.05 eba, epc, sibs, dias, p27
FIToFIPaymentStatusReport pacs.002.001.03 epc-instant
FIToFICustomerDirectDebit (pacs.003.001.02) autoReply return objects
Message Name Schema ID Variations support
PaymentReturn pacs.004.001.02 eba, epc, sibs
FIToFIPaymentCancellationRequest camt.056.001.01 epc, sibs
FIToFIPaymentReversal pacs.007.001.02 epc, sibs