Cluttered-bucket icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Cluttered-bucket copied to clipboard

🍺一个(尽量) 绿色干净,带有惊喜的 scoop bucket 软件仓库(Windows 绿色软件收录/优秀软件/独立开发者)

Cluttered-bucket Bucket Build status Excavator

# 安装 Scoop-Core
scoop install 7zip git
scoop config SCOOP_REPO ''
scoop update
scoop checkup

# 添加 repo
scoop bucket add MorFans-apt ''


Name (json) Tested Checkver Autoupdate (Hash) Official
360驱动大师 (360DrvMgr) 🎉✔️ ✔️ ❌ (❌)
Aida64:Ex/Bu/Ex (Aida64-Ex/Bu/Ex) 🎉 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ (⛔️) ✔️
冰点文库下载器 (bingdian-Fish) 🎉✔️ ✔️ ❌ (❌)
DirectX Repair (DirectX_Repair) ✔️ 🛠 ✔️ ❌ (❌) ✔️
docker machine vmwareworkstation (docker.machine.vmwareworkstation) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ (⛔️) ✔️
驱动精灵 (DriverGenius) 🎉✔️ ❌ (❌)
FastCopy-M (FastCopy-M) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ (⛔️) ✔️
菲菲更名宝贝 (FFRenamePro) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ (⛔️) ✔️
KeybMap64 (KeybMap64) ✔️ ⛔️ ❌ (❌) ✔️
Listary5 (UAC.Listary5.Third) 🎉🎃✋ ✔️ ❌ (❌)
软媒魔方 (mofang-PCMaster-full) 🔶✔️ ✔️ ✔️ (⛔️) ✔️
QQ (QQ_Portable) 🎉🔶✔️ ❌ (❌)
Sakura frpc (Sakura_frpc) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ (⛔️) ✔️
SakuraFrp GUI (SakuraFrp-GUI) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ (⛔️) ✔️
sdr Cleaner (sdr-Cleaner) ✔️ ❌ (❌) ✔️
Sketchpad 5 (UAC.Sketchpad.5) 🎉🎃✋ ❌ (❌)
SmartTaskbar (SmartTaskbar) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ (⛔️) ✔️
ThunderX (UAC.ThunderX) 🎉✔️ ❌ (❌)
Fluent Terminal (UWP.Fluent-Terminal) ✔️🛠 ✔️ ❌ (❌) ✔️
Windows Auto Night Mode (Windows.Auto.Night.Mode) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ (⛔️) ✔️
Winrar (winrar-sc) 🎉✔️ ✔️ ❌ (❌) ✔️
Xshell (UAC.xshell6) 🎉✔️ ❌ (❌)
Xmind (UAC.Xmind-8) 🎉🔶🎃 ❌ (❌)
有道词典 (UAC.YoudaoDict.Pure) 🎉🔶🎃 ✔️ ❌ (❌)
哔哩哔哩唧唧 (JJDown) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️(⛔️) ✔️
PowerShell module:Get-ChildItemColor (PS.Get-ChildItemColor) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️(⛔️) ✔️
阿里旺旺 (AliWangWang) 🎉 ✔️ ❌ (❌)
微信 (WeChat) 🎉 ✔️ ✔️ ❌ (❌)
字由 (HelloFont.old) 🔶✔️ ⭕️ ❌ (❌) ✔️
图吧工具箱 (tbToolbox) 🔶✔️ ✔️ ❌ (❌) ✔️
Win10数字权利激活自动批处理版 (Digital-Rights-Activation-Tools) 🛠 ❌ (❌) ✔️
IDA-Pro (IDA-Pro.64) 🎉✔️ ✔️ ❌ (❌)
万兴PDFelement (PDFelement) 🎉🔶🎃 ✔️ ❌ (❌)
网易云音乐 (CloudMusic) 🎉✔️ ✔️ ❌ (❌)
HashTab (UAC.HashTab) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️(⛔️) ✔️
PotPlayer Mini (potplayer-mini.64) ✔️ ✔️ ❌ (❌) ✔️
Filezilla-优化持久化版^deprecated:停止维护^ (deprecated.Filezilla-persist) ✔️ ❌(❌) ✔️
雷电安卓模拟器en^deprecated:停止维护^ (deprecated.LDPlayer.clear) 🎉🔶 ❌(❌) ✔️
ProjectEye (ProjectEye) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️(⛔️) ✔️
mellow (mellow) ✔️🎃 ✔️ ✔️(⛔️) ✔️
winxcorners (winxcorners) ✔️🛠 🛠 🛠(⛔️) ✔️
mclone (mclone) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️(⛔️) ✔️
LightProxy (LightProxy) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️(⛔️) ✔️
PowerToys (UAC.PowerToys) ✔️🎃 ✔️ ✔️(⛔️) ✔️
中国软件拦截器 (Malware-Patch) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️(⛔️) ✔️
酷安PC版 (Flutter-Coolapk) ✔️ ✔️ ❌ (❌) ✔️
远程app管理工具 (RemoteApp-Tool) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️(⛔️) ✔️
RDP Wrapper (UAC.RDP-Wrapper) ✔️✋ ✔️ ✔️(⛔️) ✔️
RDP Wrapper 自动更新配置版 (UAC.RDP-Wrapper-AutoUpdate) 🎉✋🛠 ✔️ ✔️(⛔️) ✔️
PanDownload卢本伟修改版 (WXQQ_RevokeMsgPatcher) ✔️🔶 ✔️ ✔️(⛔️)
微信QQ防撤回补丁 (WXQQ_RevokeMsgPatcher) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️(⛔️) ✔️
ScreenRuler (ScreenRuler) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️(⛔️) ✔️
Nat类型测试工具 (NatTypeTester) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️(⛔️) ✔️
Everything搜索栏 (UAC.EverythingToolbar) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️(⛔️) ✔️
oh-my-posh3 (oh-my-posh-and-wsl) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️(✔️) ✔️
测试 Cloudflare CDN 延迟和速度工具 (CloudflareSpeedTest) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️(⛔️) ✔️
高颜值Vue网易云在线播放器 (YesPlayMusic) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️(⛔️) ✔️
Windows新特性控制器 (ViveTool) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️(⛔️) ✔️
任务栏小猫猫 (RunCat) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️(⛔️) ✔️
() ✔️ ✔️ ✔️(✔️) ✔️
  • ✔️ Yes
  • ❌ No
  • 🎉 Pleasantly Surprised
  • 🛠 Additional testing is needed
  • 🔶 Maybe it‘s uncontrollable
    • Update
    • Registry
    • Junk files
    • Path
  • ✋ Need to do it manually
  • ⭕️ Not needed
  • ⛔️ Not possible (need download)
  • ♻️ Nightly
  • 🎃 Run Installer