@omerrciftcii Sorry, I don't remember. I even don't remember in what project I used it. So, unfortunately I can't help.
@katzyn Thank you for the information. But I still think that the issue is valid. If you agree with that I would like to make a PR as I don't...
At the same time as I understand `jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/test;MODE=PostgreSQL;DATABASE_TO_LOWER=TRUE` is not a valid URL, because it should be `jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/test?MODE=PostgreSQL&DATABASE_TO_LOWER=TRUE`. Maybe these parameters are not added to result of `getURL()` because there...
I have just checked postgresql: ``` URL 1:jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/test?user=postgres&password=postgres&connect_timeout=10 URL 2:jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/test?user=postgres&password=postgres&connect_timeout=10 ``` So, postgresql leaves url without any modification. If admin want to add user:pass via URL - it is his...
@katzyn Thank you for detailed answer. IMHO that is not correct to have two URLs - one input and one modified that is returned from connection metadata. Because this doesn't...
@fzumstein Could you say if git-xl can be used on Linux now?
@Alyy2021 No, I decided to use another library. But after some thinking I came to conclusion that maybe the problem is in permissions. Try to add to manifest ``` ```...
@kespaldon I use this library
@ppkarwasz , thank you very much for your answer. What you suggest is not a solution for me. I need to use my own shutdownHook in my application. This shutdownHook...