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Polynomial optimization problem solver. Uses relaxation to convert the problem into Semidefinite programming. Can be also used just as Semidefinite programming solver.
Polynomial optimization problem solver and Semidefinite programming solver
This Python package enables you to solve semidefinite programming problems. Also provides a tool to convert a polynomial optimization problem into semidefinite programme.
To install all required packages and setup this package, run the following code.
git clone https://github.com/PavelTrutman/polyopt.git
cd polyopt
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 setup.py install
To run the tests, execute:
python3 setup.py test
For demo, please refer to the files demoSDPSolver.py and demoPOPSolver.py. These files are self-explanatory.
SDP solver
from numpy import *
import polyopt
# Problem statement
# min c0*x0 + c1*x1
# s. t. I_3 + A0*x0 + A1*x1 >= 0
c = array([[1], [1]])
A0 = array([[1, 0, 0],
[0, -1, 0],
[0, 0, -1]])
A1 = array([[0, 1, 0],
[1, 0, 1],
[0, 1, 0]])
# starting point
startPoint = array([[0], [0]])
# create the solver object
problem = polyopt.SDPSolver(c, [[eye(3), A0, A1]])
# enable graphs
# enable informative output
# enable bounding into ball with radius 1
# solve!
x = problem.solve(startPoint, problem.dampedNewton)
POP solver
from numpy import *
import polyopt
# objective function
# f(x, y) = (x - 1)^2 + (y - 2)^2
# = x^2 -2*x + y^2 - 4*y + 5
# global minima at (1, 2)
f = {(0, 0): 5, (1, 0): -2, (2, 0): 1, (0, 1): -4, (0, 2): 1}
# constraint function
# g(x, y) = 9 - x^2 - y^2
g = [{(0, 0): 3**2, (2, 0): -1, (0, 2): -1}]
# degree of the relaxation
d = 2
# initialize the solver
POP = polyopt.POPSolver(f, g, d)
# obtain some feasible point for the SDP problem (within ball with radius 3)
y0 = POP.getFeasiblePointFromRadius(3)
# or select some feasible points of the polynomial optimization problem
y0 = POP.getFeasiblePoint([array([[1],[1]]), array([[2],[2]]), array([[-1], [-1]]), array([[-2], [1]]), array([[1], [2]]), array([[0], [2]])])
# enable outputs
#solve the problem
x = POP.solve(y0)
print('Rank of the moment matrix: ', POP.momentMatrixRank())
Graph plotting
To enable plotting of the steps of the algorithm, use command
The package is using tool gnuplot
to produce the graphs, so please install this tool first. Then a Python package gnuplot-py
has to be installed. For example, you can use gnuplot-py.
I would like to thanks to Didier Henrion for introducing me into polynomial optimization.