GlitchContainer-for-FramerJS icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
GlitchContainer-for-FramerJS copied to clipboard

A simple way to add glitch effect to your prototypes

Glitch Container

A simple way to add glitch effect to your prototypes. Works with any layers.

This module using CSS filters, Css blend modes, copy() method for layers and requestAnimationFrame

Screenshot one Screenshot two

A Fan overclocking alert! Don't overuse this container :-)

At this moment don't support dynamic textLayers, but you could reach all layers separately by name outside the class, like glitchA.layerRed.text = "example".

Also, you can create GlitchContainer from the group of layers.

glitchA = new GlitchContainer
    layer: layerA #Your layer here
    speed: 40 #Speed of requestAnimationFrame updating
    stereoGlitch: true #Switch on red and blue filtered layers
    stereoOffsetX: 20 #Offset of red and blue filtered layers
    stereoOffsetY: 10
    blink: 0.6 #Correction coefficient for blinking 

glitchA.imgNoise() #Adding extra-layer "imgNoiseLayer" with base64 image

# Also, you could change some parametrs after GlitchContainer creation = "200px" #Change any parameter, including noise-image

glitchA.speed = 20
glitchA.blink = 0.9
glitchA.stereoOffsetX = 50
glitchA.stereoOffsetY = 70

Demo example

Any questions or wishes

open an issue or catch me on Facebook, also, you can send me an e-mail