RxWorkManagerObservers copied to clipboard
As `work-rxjava3` is available [here](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/androidx.work/work-rxjava3), is a compatibility with rxjava 3 on the roadmap ?
Available artifact on jitpack : ``` implementation "com.github.playmoweb:RxWorkManagerObservers:rxjava3-SNAPSHOT" ``` Closes #5
Hey Paulina, I like your lib, well done! :) I'm getting `com.paulinasadowska.rxworkmanagerobservers.exceptions.LiveDataSubscribedOnWrongThreadException: cannot subscribe to LiveData on the background thread`. I've tried adding to my subscription, but without success. ```...
Hi, I am creating periodic work by `WorkManager.getInstance(context).enqueueUniquePeriodicWork(TAG_PERIODIC_WORK, ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy.KEEP, syncRequest)` and if I subscribe to LiveData I can see state changes, from RUNNING to ENQUEUED, as periodic never has SUCCEEDED...
In the README you list Apache 2.0 license. But in Github you show the license as GPL-3.0.
Hello, I tested out the library I noticed one issue which might need some explaining By the spec of WorkInfo.State: WorkInfo.State - FAILED Used to indicate that the WorkRequest has...