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Backbone-relational compactibility with typescript
I am trying to use Backbone-relational with typescript. My sample code looks like this :
`import * as Backbone from 'backbone'; import 'backbone-relational';
class Animal extends Backbone.RelationalModel{ constructor(options){ super(options); this.urlRoot = '/animal/'; }
class AnimalCollection extends Backbone.Collection{ constructor(any){ super(any); this.model = Animal; } }
class Zoo extends Backbone.RelationalModel{ constructor(options){ super(options); this.relations =[{ type: Backbone.HasMany, key: 'animals', relatedModel: 'Animal', collectionType: 'AnimalCollection', reverseRelation: { key: 'livesIn', includeInJSON: 'id' // 'relatedModel' is automatically set to 'Zoo'; the 'relationType' to 'HasOne'. } }]; }
Zoo.prototype.relations = [{ type: Backbone.HasMany, key: 'animals', relatedModel: 'Animal', collectionType: 'AnimalCollection', reverseRelation: { key: 'livesIn', includeInJSON: 'id' // 'relatedModel' is automatically set to 'Zoo'; the 'relationType' to 'HasOne'. } }];
//let artis ={ name: 'Artis' });
let artis = new Zoo({ name: 'Artis' });
//let lion = { species: 'Lion', livesIn: artis } );
let lion = new Animal( { species: 'Lion', livesIn: artis } );
alert( artis.get( 'animals' ).pluck( 'species' ) ); // artis.get( 'animals' ) undefined`
Unfortunately above code doesn't work. the _relations of artis gives empty object and throws error
Relation=child: missing model, key or relatedModel (class Zoo extends Backbone.RelationalModel {
please help